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Can the Youth Vote Be Bought For a Trillion Dollars?
25/10/2011 16:04:47
25/10/2011 15:24:42
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>>>I have never had any debt except for a couple of car loans and a couple of mortgages that were paid in full. I worked my way through college to earn 2 degrees (no loans).
>Yes, but you underpaid for programs like Medicare and now there is a $47T hole. Whose debt is that if not yours? Compare with the Australian Super program where the size of the asset created entirely by worker/employer contributions soon will be enough to cover expectations forever. Some of those who will benefit aren't even born yet, which is a real credit to Australians and their desire to create a better nation and more opportunities for future Aussies. Some of those who will pay your debt aren't born yet either, but I'm sure they'll be equally thrilled by lectures about their financial profligacy.
>FWIW, if the US had a scheme whose per capita performance was similar to the Australian, rather than a mere $2.6T of IOUs in the trust fund which runs at a loss and is estimated to run out of $ by 2037, by 2028 the fund would have a surplus of $136T. Today's bail-outs of a few trill would be distant memories, every state would be conducting vigorous infrastructure projects, and left versus right debates would be about whether there should be another tax cut this year or whether it's better to invest another few $T in energy projects.

I'm not familliar with the Super, but from a quick search it looks a lot like a 401k here in the US with a mandatory contribution for employees and employers. It's regulated by the state but the funds are managed in by what amounts to private trusts in different industries which the employees get to choose from. Best of all, the state does not have access to the funds. I don't like the mandatory contribution, but upon quick review it looks solid.
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