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Which phone to buy?
03/11/2011 12:38:51
03/11/2011 12:30:42
Mike Cole
Yellow Lab Technologies
Stanley, Iowa, United States
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>>>>>Par for the course.
>>>>Ok, tough guy.
>>>>What did I say that was blatantly not true?
>>>I take that back. That was a swipe I should not have taken. My apologies. Comments in-line below.
>>>>>>You should look at the facts before posting FUD because some of what you said here is blantantly not true.
>>>>>>>>And Nokia is just getting into the game. Isn't that news enough?
>>>>>>>Nokia? You mean that company from 15 years ago?
>>>So? They make great hardware. This is great news for a platform that doesn't have a wide selection in hardware.
>>>>>>>Every Windows Mobile Phone I've seen has an Xbox Live ad on its front screen.
>>>Mine doesn't. I believe the Games tiles was on the front screen by default and that does have an XBox Live logo, but that was removed because Games aren't important to me. I suspect that if it was important to me I wouldn't mind the XBox Live logo.
>>Let's be a little more clear here.
>>The phone has "tiles".
>>You can see your emails, and your blah blah blahs.
>>But they are one color and I think static. (correct me if I'm wrong).
>>The Xbox live logo is multi-colored and animated.
>>So UNLESS you go and turn off the ad, every time you look at your phone, a distracting colored and animated Xbox Live ad is placed among your mono-chromatic data.
>>And their motto is "Put people first".
>>You can't see how paying $300 for a phone to give Xbox Live ads top priority in front of your voicemails and the time is horrendous?
>So turn the tile off, no big deal. How is that different from any other device you buy that has provides "strategic" default content.

It's different because no Android or iPhone I've ever seen puts the time and the data you want to see secondary to flashy colorful ads for their other services by default.

That's simply horrendous.

> Seems like you are trying a little too hard if you're concerned about the icon on the Games tile.
>>>>>>>You want to see the time, your Windows Phone can do that. And then tell you which of their video games to buy.
>>>>>>>Want to make a call? Grab your phone and look at an ad for Xbox first.
>>>>>>>Absolutely disgusting if you ask me.
>>>>>>>I have an Android app with 14K+ downloads. I also collect some revenue from it.
>>>>>>>The development was simple and fun (the android SDK is open source and written in JAVA).
>>>>>>>Deployment to the Android Market was easy and Google Checkout takes care of the finances.
>>>>>>>I'm also now on the Amazon App Store and support the upcoming Kindle Fire.
>>>>>>>(Does Microsoft have a simple and pain free app store?)
>>>What are your complaints about the Marketplace? Seems great to me.
>>No complaints. Just asking about the service.
>>In actually using them, I have found differences in Amazon's App Store and Google's Android Market. They have their ups and their downs.
>>But it is also simple to put an app on the Market and start charging for it (more so than Amazon App Store).
>>How does Microsoft's offering compare to those? I don't know. That's what I'm asking.
>I don't have a lot of experience with the other alternatives, so I couldn't tell you without providing the usual talking points. I found it to be simple, and usually have a low patience level for stuff like that.
>>>>>>>That said, I still get requests all the time for iOS versions.
>>>>>>>Android and iOS *are* the smart phone market.
>>>>>>>That anyone would waste one second of time or one penny with the Xbox Live commercial for your pocket , or Windows Mobile or whatever they call it, is a testament to the power of routine by Microsoft loyalists.

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