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Out Of Iraq - Finally!!
01/12/2011 19:18:02
01/12/2011 18:41:22
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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Update : I see you updated you post before I responded so I understand the cut/paste mistake.

>>Although I was quite clear before, allow me to unravel your contextual twist.
>JR>The gist is that concern about income distribution is a sign of jealousy,
>>No. Specific to the occupy movement. Those who began it did so with the intention of having it spread through the use of people's jealousy at those who are more successful and who are easily vilified as having been bailed out. Income distribution talk (1%) is a piece of the rhetorical arsenol.
>You were indeed quite clear. Here's what you said:
>Occupy is presented as an examplar of your blunderbuss.

You're the only one to have used the term "blunderbuss" in this thread.
Which includes the authors of the report, and me, and Buffet. Having fired a blunderbuss, don't pretend that the pellets don't spread. Of course, you've since edited your post so this no longer appears.

I'm not sure where you pulled the above "quote" of mine.

>>>Both assertions remain accurate when taken in their proper context.
>The context is the gist where you start by slating the entire income distribution concept on the grounds of jealousy then denied it and revised.

Here's what I wrote : This whole income distribution distraction boils down to jealousy and the Occupy movement has solidified that. Occupy looks and acts like a bunch of spoiled children who are angry at their failures in life and are throwing a tantrum at anyone who appears successful, claiming they must have cheated to attain their success, because to believe otherwise is to turn the mirror inward and that's terrifying to an entitled mind.

Income distribution is a distraction used to prey on people's jealousy to distract them from the root problems. Occupiers are jealous thus they sloganeer the distraction (99%. Have I mentioned that they're arrogant as well?). Buffet is part of the distraction because he has a vested interest in the outcome of the next election.

>This is boring if you declare your views as definitions that you insist support your views. Time to leave it here.

Why does income distribution matter in a free market capitalistic society if not for one's jealousy?
Why should I care what some banker on Wall St. makes as a bonus?
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