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Did anyone see Silverswitch at SouthwestFox?
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Visual FoxPro
Visual FoxPro and .NET
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>>>>I was wondering if anyone had a chance to see the new Silverswitch product at SouthwestFox? If you saw it, can you please post up your thoughts on it here?
>>>I wasn't at the conference.
>>>There is a manual at http://files.visualextend.de/Silverswitch/SilverswitchDeveloperManual.pdf
>>>Looks like it's targeted at converting VFP apps that were developed using the Visual FoxExtend (VFX) framework, to Silverlight. So,
>>>- your app must be a VFX app
>>>- the target is Silverlight, whose future is in question
>>Maybe they aren't being completely forthcoming but I heard some pretty high level Microsoft guys say at an MS event in Milwaukee, to about 500 .NET developers, that there are no plans to drop Silverlight. This was this past March or April. From some of the chattering online you would think it's a done deal. One of the reasons I am skeptical about that is Silverlight and HTML5 are completely different. One is a product / development tool and the other is a web language standard (soon to be).
>I remember hearing some "high ups" at MS saying they weren't going to kill VFP too. I think they thought we were "high."
>I posted on the UT that I had deduced that MS had brought several top fox people to Redmond for the purpose of helping convert the unwashed to dot net and MS folks got really ticked. I seem to recall being accused of having a mole in MS! lol Can I help it if my cop skills are good!

Hey, Sheriff. I was just thinking the other day that you haven't been here much lately. Here's hoping all is well with you and yours. Be sure to keep making money so you can easily afford that steak dinner you're going to be buying me about a year from now ;-)

I really don't think it's accurate to say Microsoft "killed" VFP. Technically true, eventually, but misleading to put it that way. It was, what, about 15 years after the acquisition that they pulled the plug? They made it into a first class Windows developer tool. We all snicker at VFP 3 now but it was in fact a monumental advance in the language, something I doubt a little company in a Toledo strip mall could have pulled off. And they kept advancing the product right until the end. When I encounter the typical corporate attitude that FoxPro is something from the Roosevelt era -- Teddy -- I no longer say anything, but I know right there they know nothing about the product.

What are your thoughts on Tim Tebow these days? He still doesn't look like an NFL QB to me but darned if he isn't winning some games. You may remember that I didn't like him much at first (the pushy Christianity turned me off) but gave him credit for being a gamer and working hard to retool his throw for the NFL game. I can easily see him as a future Senator from Florida. The question of the moment is how he will do in the NFL. He has looked awful at times, good at times. Sort of like John Elway as a rookie, which you will remember as well as I do was an often gruesome display. (Not that I am comparing him to Elway; one had a gun for an arm and the other doesn't). The Broncos play Da Bears in a week or two. I hope he tries that little spin move in the vicinity of Julius Peppers. They will need a Bobcat to excavate him from the turf, LOL.

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