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VFP App on SQL Cluster
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Microsoft SQL Server
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SQL Server:
SQL Server 2005
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>>>>I have a VFP app that works with SQL Server (using ODBC driver and Cursor Adapter). A prospective customer asked me if the app would work on SQL Cluster? I read a little bit about the SQL Cluster in a SQL Server book but it gave me just a cursory understanding of how SQL Cluster works. My question, what kind of specific things the app should have in order to be able to run it on SQL Cluster? Or the SQL Cluster is something that the customer IT has to have and the app will work without any changes?
>>>The cluster functionality is transparent to your application.
>>>If the cluster is working properly, your application will see it as any other SQL server.
>>Have you received an MVP award yet? I may be wrong (hope I am) but don't believe you have. If nothing else I hope this raises your profile a bit to those who are in a position to do something about it. Your posts on SQL Server are absolutely stellar. I don't read that section religiously, not as religiously as I read the Chatter section, LOL, but when I see your name in a thread I read it So there.
>I appreciate the compliment, but there are people on here that are way higher up the pole re: SQL support than I am.
>>Unrelated, the NY Times ran a sensational long piece earlier this week about Derek Boogaard that may interest you. My hat is off to the writer, whose name I didn't recognize, for unearthing such minute details from Boogard's early youth in rural western Canada. He must have logged tens of thousands of miles gathering material for this story. As published this week it's about book length. My hat is off to him as a reporter.
>>It was a sad story, and ultimately infuriating with the responses of the Wild and Rangers and the NFL league office. They all stonewalled about Boogaard and the larger issue of fighting in the NHL. Dumb me, I had just been reading it as a sad biography of a life cut short. What particularly irked me was that the Minnesota Wild played a 5 minute tribute video to Boogard before the first home game this season. At no point in the video was he shown fighting, which was absolutely the only thing he was known for and the only thing that got him to the NHL in the first place Talk about hypocrisy. Documented evidence is mounting that NHL enforcers are dying young in out of bounds numbers due to repeated brain trauma -- i.e. being punched in the head too much. They will not change things a bit of their own accord.
>It is getting to be a real problem again.
>Way back, the problem fights was that weapons were used (remember Ted Green v Wayne Maki?).
>Then entire teams became fighters (Broad Street Bullies).
>Then the NHL slowed it down a lot for most of the 80's and 90s.
>Now teams are showing up with 300+ lb goons that clear 6'10" or more on skates. These guys don't need weapons.
>I used to like watching goon hockey (we had the CHL in Topeka for several years - those guys are about 1 foot out of prison). Most fans here throught hockey was just a series of fights.
>FWIW I was a goon hockey player in high school. I couldn't skate well, but I was bigger than most everyone and could block shots and hit people on command - therefore I was a goalie! I was the starter for 2 years, and I probably racked up as many penalty minutes as anyone (of course, I didn't go to the box). The coaches showed me how to make sure the ref wasn't looking before really nailing someone.
>It was fun back then, but I sure wouldn't make that a career!

It's a bittersweet career. Derek Boogaard and any number of other NHL players never would have worn a league jersey if not for their fighting skills. How many current players are a post-death brain exam away from joining him? We can't reasonably deny this any more. Hockey is still a beautiful game right behind soccer IMO in its elegance, but the side acts between trained enforcers have to go. It's not worth it.

When I was in college the Flyers -- who were anathema to me as a a lucky Bruins fan in the Orr-Esposito era -- relocated their top minor league team to Portland, Maine. My dad bought two season tickets right at center ice, which were dirt cheap compared to today's prices. It was a great time going to the games. The Maine Mariners had their own enforcer in training, a guy named Dave Hoyda, who did indeed go on to be the Flyers' enforcer for a time. The opposing AHL team had Dave Schultz on its roster, the legendary enforcer di inforcer who was then playing out the string in the minors. Hoyda made a point of picking a fight with Schultz, making his case. Schultz was more bored than anything. He pulled Hoyda's jersey up over his head and they danced with each other until the refs broke it up. You sensed it was that way for Schultz everywhere he went.

Hoyda was not a bad guy, either. Minor league sports are nice in that you can just go there as a regular person. One evening I got there a half hour or so before game time and there was Dave Hoyda walking out of the home team tunnel with a hockey stick in his hand. He gave it to an extremely fetching young lady who worked for the Mariners. There were some autographs on it. "Oh, what did I do to deserve this?" she said with a mock pout. "Nothing yet," he said, and went back through the tunnel.

The SQL Server compliment was sincere. A sincere compliment is always a pleasure to give.

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