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Saving unicode data
28/12/2011 10:41:44
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Visual FoxPro
Contrôles ActiveX en VFP
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Visual FoxPro:
Windows 7
Windows 2003 Server
MS SQL Server
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Message ID:
Thanks a million, I will try it in a few minutes.

>>>>>>>So, it's very simple
>>>>>>>(1) the msforms accepts UTF-16
>>>>>>If I get the value from SQL Server, I don't get the string above. I get a 4 bytes per character string. You missed the step of retrieving the value from SQL Server.
>>>>>Look, I just copied your code to fill the cursor - and it's 2 bytes/char
>>>>>>>(2) And gives its value back in the 'current' code page - which is a bad conversion
>>>>>>>(3) swith to the code page of the language you're displaying with sys(3101)
>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I don't know which language I am displaying - that's the whole point!
>>>>>Well, you'll need to know the language - how else can you know the codepage ?
>>>>>>>(4) retrieve the value
>>>>>>>(5) set the original value of sys(3101) back
>>>>>>>(6) convert the value to utf-16
>>>>>>Ok, I'll try.
>>>>>>Although two extra steps are missing in your tests:
>>>>>>1. Retrieve data from nvarchar(100) field
>>>>>That is the cursor
>>>>>>5. Save data back to nvarchar(100) field
>>>>>Well, I have the data in a string - you can add an undate or a replace ?
>>>>>>6. Try with different languages (don't know in advance which) and all different languages need to show correctly on the same form.
>>>>>I have shown an example in Cyrillic - surely you can try a few others
>>>>The form I am developing is for specifying languages we're going to use in the interface. I can not know in advance which languages the user is going to pick. So, I want to develop a universal form where the user can specify any language and type in that language. Which particular language they pick I don't know in advance.
>>>>Also, the SQL Server does add an extra complexity, so I ask you to please try the whole thing (from retrival to saving) if possible, of course. And assume you don't know the CodePage in advance.
>>>Give me the russian data you have retrieved from sqlserver (create cursor and insert). I cannot and willl not go any further than that -
>>Not sure if my last reply was helpful (with the exact value I got from SQL Server), but attached is the picture of what I see. The messagebox displays the text value of the first textbox (I set the comprop UTF8 to 1).
>Yes, it was - I have found another way with comprop() toi avoid the codepage
>First - The length of the data is 14, the number of chars is 7 - which makes it two bytes / char (and not 4)
>By setting comprop(utf8, 1), you get utf8 back from the text
>I then added a function to convert utf8 to utf16
>(1) Form
>PUBLIC oform1
>	**************************************************
>*-- Form:         form1 (d:\project9\coreframe\core\yy.scx)
>*-- ParentClass:  form
>*-- BaseClass:    form
>*-- Time Stamp:   12/28/11 04:35:02 PM
>DEFINE CLASS form1 AS form
>	Top = 0
>	Left = 0
>	Height = 390
>	Width = 551
>	DoCreate = .T.
>	Caption = "Form1"
>	Name = "Form1"
>	ADD OBJECT text1 AS olecontrol WITH ;
>		Top = 72, ;
>		Left = 12, ;
>		Height = 93, ;
>		Width = 372, ;
>		Name = "text1"
>	ADD OBJECT command1 AS commandbutton WITH ;
>		Top = 12, ;
>		Left = 48, ;
>		Height = 25, ;
>		Width = 97, ;
>		Caption = "Assign value", ;
>		Name = "Command1"
>	ADD OBJECT command2 AS commandbutton WITH ;
>		Top = 12, ;
>		Left = 192, ;
>		Height = 25, ;
>		Width = 97, ;
>		Caption = "Get value back", ;
>		Name = "Command2"
>		CREATE CURSOR csrTest (cVal blob, nVal blob)
>		INSERT INTO  csrTest ;
>		    VALUES;
>		   (STRCONV( "Russian",5),;
>		     STRCONV('20044304410441043A0438043904',16)  )
>	PROCEDURE command1.Click
>		=comprop(this.Parent.Text1, 'utf8', 1)
>		this.Parent.Text1.Text = csrTest.nVal 
>	PROCEDURE command2.Click
>		local utf8, utf16Out
>		utf8 =m.this.Parent.text1.Text
>		= StringUtf8ToUTF16(@m.utf16Out, m.utf8)
>		acti screen
>		?strconv(csrTest.nval, 15)
>		?strconv(utf16Out, 15)
>		?'Same value ', csrTest.nval == utf16Out
>		assert .f.
>*-- EndDefine: form1
>(2) with StringUtf8ToUTF16()
>#include "Foxpro.h"
>#define true .t.
>#define false .f.
>function StringToUTF8(utf8Out, stringIn, codepageIn)
>	local success
>	success = true
>	do case
>	case !m.success
>	case !StringToUTF16(@m.utf8Out, m.stringIn, m.codepageIn)
>		assert false
>		success = false
>	case !StringUTF16ToUTF8(@m.utf8Out, m.utf8Out)
>		assert false
>		success = false
>	endcase
>	return m.success
>#define CP_ACP					0
>#define CP_MACCP				2
>#define CP_OEMCP				1
>#define CP_SYMBOL				42
>#define CP_THREAD_ACP			3
>#define CP_UTF7					65000
>#define CP_UTF8					65001
>#define MB_PRECOMPOSED			0x1
>#define MB_COMPOSITE			0x2
>#define MB_USEGLYPHCHARS		0x4
>#define WC_DEFAULTCHAR			0x00000040 
>#define WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS	0x00000080 
>#define WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS 	0x00000400 
>function StringToUTF16(utf16Out, stringIn, codepageIn)
>	local success
>	success = true
>	do case
>	case !m.success
>	case empty(len(m.stringIn))
>		utf16Out = ''
>	otherwise
>		local lpWideCharStr, result
>		lpWideCharStr = space(len(m.stringIn)*2)
>		result = MultiByteToWideChar( ;
>					evl(m.codepageIn, cpcurrent()), ;
>					@m.stringIn, ;
>					len(m.stringIn), ;
>					@m.lpWideCharStr, ;
>					len(m.lpWideCharStr) ;
>				)
>		do case
>		case !m.success
>		case empty(m.result)
>			assert false
>			success = false
>		otherwise
>			utf16Out = left(m.lpWideCharStr, m.result * 2) 
>		endcase
>	endcase
>	return m.success
>function StringUTF16ToUTF8(utf8Out, utf16In)
>	local success
>	success = true
>	do case
>	case !m.success
>	case empty(len(m.utf16In))
>		utf8Out = ''
>	otherwise
>		local lpMultiByteStr, lpUsedDefaultChar, result
>		lpMultiByteStr = space(len(m.utf16In) * 2)
>		lpUsedDefaultChar = 0
>		result = WideCharToMultiByte( ;
>					CP_UTF8, ;
>					@m.utf16In, ;
>					len(m.utf16In)/2, ;
>					@m.lpMultiByteStr, ;
>					len(m.lpMultiByteStr), ;
>					null, ;
>					@m.lpUsedDefaultChar ;
>				)
>		do case
>		case !m.success
>		case empty(m.result)			
>			assert false
>			success = false
>		otherwise
>			utf8Out = left(m.lpMultiByteStr, m.result)
>		endcase
>	endcase
>	return m.success
>function StringUTF8ToUTF16(utf16Out, uft8In)
>	return StringToUTF16(@m.utf16Out, uft8In, CP_UTF8)
>function MultiByteToWideChar
>	lparameters codepage, ;
>				dwFlags, ;
>				lpMultiByteStr, ;
>				cbMultiByte, ;
>				lpWideCharStr, ;
>				cchWideChar
>	local success
>	success = true
>	local result
>	do case
>	case !m.success
>	otherwise
>		try
>			declare integer MultiByteToWideChar in Kernel32.dll ;
>				long	codepage, ;
>				long	dwFlags, ;
>				string@	lpMultiByteStr, ;
>				integer	cbMultiByte, ;
>				string@	lpWideCharStr, ;
>				integer	cchWideChar
>			result = MultiByteToWideChar( ;
>					m.codepage, ;
>					m.dwFlags, ;
>					@m.lpMultiByteStr, ;
>					m.cbMultiByte, ;
>					@m.lpWideCharStr, ;
>					m.cchWideChar ;
>				)
>		catch
>			assert false
>			success = false
>		endtry
>	endcase
>	return iif(m.success, m.result, 0)
>function WideCharToMultiByte
>	lparameters codepage, ;
>				dwFlags, ;
>				lpWideCharStr, ;
>				cchWideChar, ;
>				lpMultiByteStr, ;
>				cbMultiByte, ;
>				lpDefaultChar, ;
>				lpUsedDefaultChar
>	local success
>	success = true
>	local result
>	do case
>	case !m.success
>	otherwise
>		try
>			declare integer WideCharToMultiByte in Kernel32.dll ;
>				long	codepage, ;
>				long	dwFlags, ;
>				string@	lpWideCharStr, ;
>				integer	cchWideChar, ;
>				string@	lpMultiByteStr, ;
>				integer	cbMultiByte, ;
>				string	lpDefaultChar, ;
>				integer	@lpUsedDefaultChar
>			result = WideCharToMultiByte ( ;
>					m.codepage, ;
>					m.dwFlags, ;
>					@m.lpWideCharStr, ;
>					m.cchWideChar, ;
>					@m.lpMultiByteStr, ;
>					m.cbMultiByte, ;
>					m.lpDefaultChar, ;
>					@m.lpUsedDefaultChar;
>				)
>		catch
>			assert false
>			success = false
>		endtry
>	endcase
>	return iif(m.success, m.result, 0)
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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