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To use calculated field or not?
15/01/2012 12:07:09
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>>>>>>>>Are you talking about view in SQL Server or VFP? And how would a view help in this case?
>>>>>>>I was thinking of SQL Server view, although it will work for VFP as well. We don't want to have calculated field in a table using UDF (as we need to base calculation on another table). The better solution is to use a view where this will be calculated.
>>>>>>I have never, yet, used views in SQL Server. I will make a point to read and learn. Right now I am trying to make my app work on either SQL Server or VFP, using pretty much the same table structures and code. Thank you.
>>>>>This is an example how to add po_Freight and po_SalesTax calculated fields to PO, summing them from the invoice table
>>>>>	create cursor po ;
>>>>>	(	po_id		I, ;
>>>>>		po_vendor		c(30), ;
>>>>>		po_date		D, ;
>>>>>		po_amount		Y ;
>>>>>	)
>>>>>	insert into po values (1, 'UT', date(), $100)
>>>>>	insert into po values (2, 'Google', date()+1, $200)
>>>>>	insert into po values (3, 'Microsoft', date()+2, $200)
>>>>>	create cursor invoice ;
>>>>>	(	inv_id		I, ;
>>>>>		inv_po_id		I, ;
>>>>>		inv_Freight		Y, ;
>>>>>		inv_SalesTax	Y ;
>>>>>	)
>>>>>	insert into invoice values(1, 1, $20, $20)
>>>>>	insert into invoice values(2, 1, $20, $20)
>>>>>	insert into invoice values(3, 2, $20, $20)
>>>>>	insert into invoice values(4, 2, $30, $30)
>>>>>	select	;
>>>>>			po_id, ;
>>>>>			po_vendor, ;
>>>>>			po_date, ;
>>>>>			po_amount, ;
>>>>>			nvl(po_Freight, $0)		as po_Freight, ;
>>>>>			nvl(po_SalesTax, $0)	as	 po_SalesTax;
>>>>>		from po ;
>>>>>			left join ;
>>>>>				( select ;
>>>>>						inv_po_id, ;
>>>>>						sum(inv_Freight) as po_Freight, ;
>>>>>						sum(inv_SalesTax) as po_SalesTax ;
>>>>>					from invoice ;
>>>>>					group by 1 ;
>>>>>				) X;
>>>>>				on ( po_id == inv_po_id) 
>>>>Gregory, thank you very much!
>>>You're welcome. This would be the view. If only one PO is needed, you can add a parameter
>>>	po_needed = 3
>>>	select	;
>>>			po_id, ;
>>>			po_vendor, ;
>>>			po_date, ;
>>>			po_amount, ;
>>>			nvl(po_Freight, $0)		as po_Freight, ;
>>>			nvl(po_SalesTax, $0)	as	 po_SalesTax ;
>>>		from po ;
>>>			left join ;
>>>				( select ;
>>>						inv_po_id, ;
>>>						sum(inv_Freight) as po_Freight, ;
>>>						sum(inv_SalesTax) as po_SalesTax ;
>>>					from invoice ;
>>>					where	( inv_po_id == ?po_needed ) ;
>>>					group by 1 ;
>>>				) X ;
>>>				on ( po_id == inv_po_id) ;
>>>		where ( po_id == ?po_needed ) ;
>>First, thank you. Also, do I understand that this is an example of view that can to be created in SQL Server and not in VFP, right?
>Notice de semicolons ? It's vfp. But I see no reason why it cannot be done in sqlserver

Thank you for clarifying. Sorry that I didn't pay attention to the semicolons. I will test this approach in both VFP and SQL Server. Initially I thought I would do it using a Function (with pretty much similar code that you wrote). But view is probably better approach (although I don't yet understand why).
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