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Thanks for booing Santorum!
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>>>>>>Thanks Arizona audience for booing Sanctimonious Santorum in last night's debate! I'll never forget the scene when he was booed off the stage at that college in New Hampshire either. Priceless!!
>>>>>Santorum lost Michigan and likely Arizona with that debacle of a performance. "Courage" really!?! ;)
>>>>I hope his campaign isn't dead. The Republicans haven't let me down yet in this campaign ;-)
>>>His campaign is done. Paul is in it until the end. I'm hoping Newt survives super tuesday so I can actually see a brokered convention in my lifetime. Everyone running sucks out loud so I honestly don't give a rats ass who the candidate is. I'm still likely to write in "Warm bucket of vomit" on my ballot. The citizenry's actual experience in the Obama economy will determine the outcome this November and even Paul can win given the way the electoral map is shaping up. The Supreme Court should do it's Constitutional duty in a couple months, regardless of whether Kagan honorably recuses herself or not, and hurl PPAACA onto history's ashheap. The House and Senate will be in Republican hands come 2013 and Obama will be further neutered even if the FED keeps priming the pump enough to get hie re-elected.
>>>It takes 2 elections, minimum, to change course in this country. 2010 stopped the pendulum. 2012 determines if it remains stalled or builds momentum to the right.
>>Hey, Jake. You really are hard core ;-) I only stopped in here to check for job openings but apparently remain low on impulse control, because here I am reading posts. Let's see if I can contain it to replies to me that I missed in the past week.
>>Obviously you know the electoral rules have changed since the Supreme Court ruling a couple of years ago. Now corporations and PACs are people and they can pour unlimited funds into campaigns anonymously. Under the old rules, when candidates had to raise their own money and had to drop out when they didn't have any traction, Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich would both be out by now.
>By "old" you're referring to the laws that had been in place since way back in 2002? ;)
>By "rules" you're referring to the unconstitutional restriction on political speech? ;)
>As long as there's power in politics there will be big money involved. Every effort at reform has made the politicians less accountable and has failed to stem the flow of money. We should eliminate campaign financing laws, allowing people to contribute what they wish to the candidate's they choose. Thus returning accountability for advertising to the candidates themselves and removing unaccountable SuperPACs, 527s, 501 advocacy entities and bundlers which have arisen as a direct result of incompetent "reform".
>The only way to lessen the effect of money in politics is to lessen the power of politicians. Since you steadfastly refuse to do this you need to come to terms with the reality that BIG money will always be involved.
>>The brokered convention scenario again, LOL, you're a funny guy, Jake. Romney has already practically wrapped up the honor of being the one who loses to Obama.
>Winning Ohio was required for Romney as the remainder of the March lineup is not good for his inevitablility.
>As for Obama, It's not yet summer, Israel has yet to attack Iran and the Strait of Hormuz is still open yet gas is at record high prices.
>>You know me to be a bit utopian. (Which is sometimes misread as doctrinaire liberal). Maybe the surprise retirement of Olympia Snowe this week will be the wake-up call both parties need. She basically said we are too locked into party warfare and I can't stand it any more. My admiration of her is not just because she is from Maine, like me, and certainly not because of her party. I think she has been a terrific Senator who seeks common ground and solutions instead of just shouting back and forth. When people like her are driven out of the process, when the term "moderate" is an oxymoron, it's a sign of how dysfunctional things have become in DC. Could this possibly be the wake-up call?
>>On to lighter things, here is a video you may enjoy. It's from the Kennedy Center show honoring Bruce Springsteen, among others. (That sure does look like Robert DeNiro there). Jon Stewart gives the Boss's induction speech. He is funny, of course -- I love the part about the Gremlin, as did Meryl Streep -- but for the most part it is a sincere tribute. When I am honored at the Kennedy Center, LOL, I want him to introduce me. The phrase "he empties the tank" captures Bruce in four words. Enjoy!

You will never convince me that PAC money is "free speech." That is a complete bastardization of one of our founding principles.

Yesterday's primaries were not the nail in the coffin Romney hoped for. He eked out Ohio by one percentage point and Santorum won three states outright. The Newtster won another one. As a Democrat I am loving it. Romney was trying to turn his attention to November and now he has his hands full fighting off the likes of Rick Santorum. Even better, Sarah Palin chose yesterday to let it be known she would "consider" accepting the nomination if no one else has it locked up at the convention. (In exactly the same way my dog would consider dinner). It's a good time to be a Democrat ;-)


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