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Still watching here, and just hit one of the high points IMO. "Funhouse," last episode, season two. This series was full of great episodes. This one is right up there with any of them. It cements your understanding of some characters. It makes it clear, if it wasn't already, the ongoing drama between Tony's family life, his mob life, and the parts he doesn't understand himself. It plows new ground in the core relationship between Tony and Dr. Melfi. "What, are you scared?" Meadow about to leave home and AJ bearing down on it, something any parent can relate to. Carmela feeling longings beyond her emotionally constipated husband. Deep stuff.

It also introduces what would become a Sopranos motif, Tony's dream sequences. The dream episodes usually came toward the end of the season, with the exception of a memorable one toward the end when it was episode 3 or 4. The writers already probe deep parts of the soul and in these dreams they go even deeper.

>I know there have been lots of great shows. It's just been cool falling in love with "The Sopranos" again. One of the things I have been reminded of is the Twin Towers were in the opening montage until the towers went down. And that great theme song from an obscure European band. "Woke up this morning / Got yourself a gun"
>I left out my favorite character, other than maybe Dr. Melfi: Paulie Walnuts. He is a no goodnik, a thug, but you can't help liking him. I read somewhere that he was in the life himself as a young man.
>>Excellent show but I would also put "Damages" with Glenn Close in the "Excellent shows" category.
>>>I will try hard to make this my last new thread about popular culture. I have been focusing on finding a new job and learning new skills. My one indulgence has been two episodes a day of "The Sopranos," rewatching it all from the beginning on DVD. I get up in the morning, do my work for a few hours, watch one episode at lunch time, do more work, and watch another one. The current episode is paused downstairs. Linda Marchand, the mother from hell as Livia, is freeze framed waving her hand in dismissal.
>>>IMO this is the best show that has ever been on American television. There have been other good ones, plenty of them. And it's not for everyone with the violence, nudity, and profanity. But my god, the writing. Every scene, every line, is perfect. Every character is drawn with care. You just don't find writing like this many places. The relationship between Tony and Dr. Melfi is one of the emotional hearts of the show. She is scared of him but he comes to trust her. Tony and Carmela. (Edie Falco won multiple Emmys, and for good reason). Meadow and AJ when they were young. Uncle Junior, Silvio, Big Pussy and Little Pussy, Christuffuh, Ade. An unbelievable show.

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