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Activation codes
09/03/2012 18:23:29
Hilmar Zonneveld
Independent Consultant
Cochabamba, Bolivia
09/03/2012 18:05:56
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Visual FoxPro
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Thanks; I'll keep it handy, and consult with the client whether he wants to force the client to have a more or less permanent Internet connection.

By the way, what is incomplete about the program?

>Force the program to go to internet from time to time, and get the date from there. This incomplete program which find the date and time from internet, may be to some help.
>**** Internet syncronization time base on article 
>**** founded at http://www.programmersheaven.com/articles/userarticles/atomicsync.htm
>#define INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG            0x00         && use registry 
>#define INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD                    0x80000000   && retrieve the original item
>#define BEGIN_UTC_TIME                          0x69
>#define LEN_UTC_TIME                            0x11
>#define TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN                    0x00
>#define TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD                   0x01
>#define TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT                   0x02
>**** DLL Declarations
>DECLARE INTEGER InternetOpen        IN wininet  STRING lpszAgent, INTEGER dwAccessType, STRING lpszProxy, STRING lpszProxyBypass, INTEGER dwFlags
>DECLARE INTEGER InternetCloseHandle IN wininet  INTEGER hInternet
>DECLARE INTEGER InternetOpenUrl     IN wininet  INTEGER hInternet, STRING lpszUrl, STRING lpszHeaders, INTEGER dwHeadersLength, INTEGER dwFlags, INTEGER dwContext
>DECLARE INTEGER InternetReadFile    IN wininet  INTEGER hFile, STRING @lpBuffer, INTEGER dwNumberOfBytesToRead, INTEGER @lpdwNumberOfBytesRead
>DECLARE LONG    SetLocalTime        IN win32api STRING @
>DECLARE INTEGER GetLocalTime        IN win32api STRING @
>LOCAL m.hInternet, m.Context, m.hHttp, m.buff, m.NumberOfBytesRead, m.bRet
>LOCAL m.utcTimeBuff, m.mntbuff, m.nYear, m.nMonth, m.nDay, m.nHour, m.nMin, m.nSec
>m.hInternet = InternetOpen("BSAtomicEdu", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG , NULL, NULL, 0)
>if m.hInternet == 0
>   MessageBox("Internet open error! Test your system and try again.")
>   return
>m.Context = 777
>m.hHttp   = InternetOpenUrl(m.hInternet, [http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/cgi-bin/timer.pl], NULL, -1, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, Context)
>IF hHttp == 0
>   MessageBox("URL open error!")
>   InternetCloseHandle(m.hInternet)
>   return
>m.buff              = SPACE(1024)
>m.NumberOfBytesRead = 0
>m.bRet = InternetReadFile(m.hHttp, @m.buff, 1024, @m.NumberOfBytesRead)
>IF m.bRet == 0
>   MessageBox( "URL reading error! Test internet connection and try again.")  
>nYear       = YEAR(DATE()) && :o))))
>nMonth      = INT(AT(UPPER(left(utcTimeBuff,3)),mntbuff)/3)+1
>nDay        = VAL(SUBSTR(utcTimeBuff,6,2))
>nHour       = VAL(SUBSTR(utcTimeBuff,10,2))
>nMin        = VAL(SUBSTR(utcTimeBuff,13,2))
>nSec        = VAL(SUBSTR(utcTimeBuff,16,2))
>VFPSetDateTime(m.nYear, m.nMonth, m.nDay, m.nHour, m.nMin, m.nSec)
>FUNCTION VFPSetDateTime(m.pYear, m.pMonth, m.pDay, m.pHour, m.pMinute, m.pSecond)
>   ************************************************************************
>   **** Taken from www.levelextreme.com FAQ #<A HREF="/wconnect/wc.dll?LevelExtreme~2,84,14,7864" TARGET="_blank">7864</A>
>   **** Created by Terence Tam - Hong Kong
>   ************************************************************************
>    LOCAL oUniverslTime AS Custom, oLocalTime AS Custom, oNewTime AS Custom
>    LOCAL m.lpcount, m.cBuff, m.sYear, m.sMonth, m.sWeekDay, m.sDay, m.sHour, m.sMinute, m.sSecond, m.sMinSecond
>    LOCAL m.nYear, m.nMonth, m.nDay, m.nWeekDay, m.nHour, m.nMinute, m.nSecond, m.nMinSecond
>    m.lpcount = PCOUNT()
>    IF m.lpcount < 3
>        MESSAGEBOX("Usage: VFPSetDateTime(Year, Month, Day [[[, Hour ], Minute ], Second ])", ;
>            32, "Wrong Usage, Note: Only for 24 Hours Setting")
>       RETURN
>    ENDIF
>    m.cBuff    = SPACE(16)    && Each Information (WORD) worth 2 bytes
>    GetLocalTime(@cBuff)
>    m.sYear      = ALLTRIM(STR( ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,1,1))+ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,2,1))*256))
>    m.sMonth     = ALLTRIM(STR( ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,3,1))+ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,4,1))*256))
>    m.sWeekDay   = ALLTRIM(STR( ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,5,1))+ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,6,1))*256))
>    m.sDay       = ALLTRIM(STR( ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,7,1))+ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,8,1))*256))
>    m.sHour      = ALLTRIM(STR( ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,9,1))+ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,10,1))*256))
>    m.sMinute    = ALLTRIM(STR( ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,11,1))+ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,12,1))*256))
>    m.sSecond    = ALLTRIM(STR( ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,13,1))+ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,14,1))*256))
>    m.sMinSecond = ALLTRIM(STR( ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,15,1))+ASC(SUBSTR(cBuff,16,1))*256))
>    m.nYear      = pYear
>    m.nMonth     = pMonth
>    m.nDay       = pDay
>    m.nWeekDay   = DOW(CTOD(ALLTRIM(STR(nMonth)) + [/] + ALLTRIM(STR(nDay)) + [/] + ALLTRIM(STR(nYear)))) && MDY
>    DO CASE
>       CASE m.lpcount = 3
>            m.nHour   = HOUR(DATETIME())
>            m.nMinute = MINUTE(DATETIME())
>            m.nSecond = SEC(DATETIME())
>       CASE m.lpcount = 4
>            m.nHour   = pHour
>            m.nMinute = MINUTE(DATETIME())
>            m.nSecond = SEC(DATETIME())
>       CASE m.lpcount = 5
>            m.nHour   = pHour
>            m.nMinute = pMinute
>            m.nSecond = SEC(DATETIME())
>       CASE m.lpcount = 6
>            m.nHour   = pHour
>            m.nMinute = pMinute
>            m.nSecond = pSecond
>    m.nMinSecond = VAL(sMinSecond)
>    *******************************
>    *** Changes made by me :o)
>    oUniverslTime = CREATEOBJECT("Custom")
>    oUniverslTime.AddProperty("Year"   ,pYear)
>    oUniverslTime.AddProperty("Month"  ,pMonth)
>    oUniverslTime.AddProperty("Day"    ,pDay)
>    oUniverslTime.AddProperty("Hour"   , pHour)
>    oUniverslTime.AddProperty("Minute" , pMinute)
>    oUniverslTime.AddProperty("Seconds", pSecond)
>    oLocalTime    = CREATEOBJECT("Custom")
>    oLocalTime.AddProperty("Year"   , nYear)
>    oLocalTime.AddProperty("Month"  , nMonth)
>    oLocalTime.AddProperty("Day"    , nDay)
>    oLocalTime.AddProperty("Hour"   , nHour)
>    oLocalTime.AddProperty("Minute" , nMinute )
>    oLocalTime.AddProperty("Seconds", nSecond )
>    oNewTime = LocalZoneTime(oUniverslTime, oLocalTime)
>    nBuff = CHR(oNewTime.Year%256)    + CHR(INT(oNewTime.Year/256))  +;
>            CHR(oNewTime.Month%256)   + CHR(INT(oNewTime.Month/256)) +;
>            CHR(nWeekday%256)         + CHR(INT(nWeekday/256))       +;
>            CHR(oNewTime.Day%256)     + CHR(INT(oNewTime.Day/256))   +;
>            CHR(oNewTime.Hour%256)    + CHR(INT(oNewTime.Hour/256))  +;
>            CHR(oNewTime.Minute%256)  + CHR(INT(oNewTime.Minute/256))+;
>            CHR(oNewTime.Seconds%256) + CHR(INT(oNewTime.Seconds/256))+;
>            CHR(nMinSecond%256)       + CHR(INT(nMinSecond/256)) 
>    SetLocalTime(@nBuff)
>FUNCTION LocalZoneTime(oUniverslTime AS Collection , oLocalTime AS Collection)
>   ************   ************   ************   ************   ************   ************
>   ** Taken from MSDN HOWTO: Obtain Time Zone Information in Visual FoxPro
>   ** Article KB194576
>   ************   ************   ************   ************   ************   ************
>   * the definition for TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION is:
>   *
>   *typedef struct _TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION { // tzi
>   *    LONG       Bias;
>   *    WCHAR      StandardName[ 32 ];
>   *    SYSTEMTIME StandardDate;
>   *    LONG       StandardBias;
>   *    WCHAR      DaylightName[ 32 ];
>   *    SYSTEMTIME DaylightDate;
>   *    LONG       DaylightBias;
>   * buffer to receive TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION
>   TZInfo = REPLICATE(CHR(0),172)
>   DECLARE INTEGER GetTimeZoneInformation IN kernel32 STRING @TZInfo
>   liRetCode = GetTimeZoneInformation(@TZInfo)
>      CASE liRetCode = ID_UNKNOWN
>         RETURN oUniverslTime
>      CASE liRetCode = ID_STANDARD
>      CASE liRetCode = ID_DAYLIGHT
>   * now, parse the returned structure
>   * Daylight savings time bias is a negative value
>   * stored in 2s complement, so subtract 2^32 to obtain a decimal value
>   liBias = StrToLong(SUBSTR(TZInfo, 1, 4))  - 2 ^ 32
>   * lcStandardName is a Unicode string - strip out chr(0)s for
>   * US/English
>   lcStandardName = SUBSTR(TZInfo, 5, 64)
>   lcStandardName = STRTRAN(lcStandardName, CHR(0), "")
>   * lcStandardDate is a SYSTEMTIME structure, defined as follows:
>   *
>   *typedef struct _SYSTEMTIME {  // st
>   *    WORD wYear;
>   *    WORD wMonth;
>   *    WORD wDayOfWeek;
>   *    WORD wDay;
>   *    WORD wHour;
>   *    WORD wMinute;
>   *    WORD wSecond;
>   *    WORD wMilliseconds;
>   * this SYSTEMTIME struct must be parsed again
>   lcStandardDate = SUBSTR(TZInfo, 69, 16)
>   lcSDYear       = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcStandardDate, 1, 2))
>   lcSDMonth      = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcStandardDate, 3, 2))
>   lcSDDayofWeek  = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcStandardDate, 5, 2))
>   lcSDDay        = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcStandardDate, 7, 2))
>   lcSDHour       = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcStandardDate, 9, 2))
>   lcSDMinute     = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcStandardDate, 11, 2))
>   lcSDSecond     = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcStandardDate, 13, 2))
>   lcSDMSec       = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcStandardDate, 15, 2))
>   liStandardBias = StrToLong(SUBSTR(TZInfo, 85, 4))
>   * lcDaylightname is also a Unicode string
>   lcDaylightName = SUBSTR(TZInfo, 89, 64)
>   lcDaylightName = STRTRAN(lcDaylightName, CHR(0), "")
>   * this SYSTEMTIME struct must be parsed again, same as above
>   lcDaylightDate = SUBSTR(TZInfo, 153, 16)
>   lcDDYear       = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcDaylightDate, 1, 2))
>   lcDDMonth      = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcDaylightDate, 3, 2))
>   lcDDDayofWeek  = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcDaylightDate, 5, 2))
>   lcDDDay        = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcDaylightDate, 7, 2))
>   lcDDHour       = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcDaylightDate, 9, 2))
>   lcDDMinute     = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcDaylightDate, 11, 2))
>   lcDDSecond     = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcDaylightDate, 13, 2))
>   lcDDMSec       = Str2Word(SUBSTR(lcDaylightDate, 15, 2))
>   * Daylight savings time bias is a negative value
>   * stored in 2s complement, so subtract 2^32 to obtain a decimal value
>   liDaylightBias = StrToLong(SUBSTR(TZInfo, 169, 4)) - 2 ^ 32
>    nZoneCorrection = liBias
>    DO CASE
>             nZoneCorrection = nZoneCorrection + liStandardBias
>            nZoneCorrection = nZoneCorrection + liDaylightBias
>    nZoneCorrection = -nZoneCorrection  
>    nTotalMinutes = oUniverslTime.Hour * 60 + oUniverslTime.Minute + nZoneCorrection
>    IF nTotalMinutes < 0
>       nTotalMinutes = nTotalMinutes + 24*60
>    ENDIF
>    IF nTotalMinutes>24*60
>       nTotalMinutes = nTotalMinutes - 24*60
>    ENDIF
>    oLocalTime.Year    = oUniverslTime.Year
>    oLocalTime.Month   = oUniverslTime.Month
>    oLocalTime.Day     = oUniverslTime.Day
>    oLocalTime.Hour    = INT(nTotalMinutes /60)
>    oLocalTime.Minute  = nTotalMinutes - oLocalTime.Hour*60 
>    oLocalTime.Seconds = oUniverslTime.Seconds
>RETURN oLocalTime
>FUNCTION StrToLong(m.lcLongstr)
>   * Passed:  4-byte character string (lcLongstr) in low-high ASCII format
>   * Returns:  long integer value
>   * Example:
>   * m.longstr = "1111"
>   * m.longval = strtolong(m.longstr)
>   LOCAL i, lnRetval
>   m.lnRetval = 0
>   FOR m.i = 0 TO 24 STEP 8
>      m.lnRetval  = m.lnRetval + (ASC(m.lcLongstr) * (2^i))
>      m.lcLongstr = RIGHT(m.lcLongstr, LEN(m.lcLongstr) - 1)
>   NEXT
>RETURN lnRetval
>   **********************
>FUNCTION Str2Word(m.wordstr)
>   LOCAL m.i, m.retval
>   m.retval = 0
>   FOR i = 0 TO 8 STEP 8
>      m.retval  = m.retval + (ASC(m.wordstr) * (2^i))
>      m.wordstr = RIGHT(m.wordstr, LEN(m.wordstr) - 1)
>   NEXT
>RETURN m.retval
>>One of my clients wants something like a time-based activation code. I told him that this is not very secure, because any fool can change the computer's clock... but he still wants it.
>>Now, the problem is, I don't know how to do it. I was thinking about the following limited solution: Get an activation code as a one-way has from the current month plus some salt (e.g., checksum of ("201203" + "Harry Potter rocks!")), tell the client that this is the activation code, and have him type it in (or type it in remotely, with GotoMyPC or similar).
>>The program then re-does the calculation each time it starts, and checks whether it still gets the same activation code. If not, time to get a new activation code. This would work fine - except for the tiny little detail that the user might change the computer clock.
>>My problem now is, I wanted something more flexible - a solution that allowed a shorter or a longer time period - ideally, a period of any desired length. Any ideas?
Difference in opinions hath cost many millions of lives: for instance, whether flesh be bread, or bread be flesh; whether whistling be a vice or a virtue; whether it be better to kiss a post, or throw it into the fire... (from Gulliver's Travels)

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