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Behavior Control : Sugar approaching step 4
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>>>>>>>>>>Individual illness affects all Americans because when people without health insurance make bad consumption choices and end up in the hospital (heart attack, diabetes, etc.), they get free healthcare. Those costs are passed on to the rest of us in the form of higher health insurance rates.
>>>>>>>>>Sounds like there's a simple way to restore individual liberty and lower costs, eh? ;)
>>>>>>>>>>I damn sure don't want the government regulating what I can and can't consume,
>>>>>>>>>are you certain?
>>>>>>>>>>but at the same time those people who make poor choices and raise children with those poor choices end up costing the rest of us even more money.
>>>>>>>>>Seems like you DO want the government regulating what you can and can't consume
>>>>>>>>>>I don't believe in regulation
>>>>>>>>>are you certain?
>>>>>>>>>>but I do believe in the power of policy to leverage individual choices.
>>>>>>>>>Seems like you DO believe in regulation. Specifically, regulation to limit people from doing things YOU disappprove of, like unhealthy eating. When that same attitude is applied accross all the opinions of the citizenry, eventually every single choice is regulated.
>>>>>>>>>Update : This is from 60 Minutes Sunday night.
>>>>>>>>>Here's my favorite (~6:30) :
>>>>>>>>>...That's when a government commission mandated that we lower fat consumption to try and reduce heart disease.
>>>>>>>>>Dr. Sanjay Gupta: So with the best of intentions, they say, "Time to reduce fat in the American diet?"
>>>>>>>>>Dr. Robert Lustig: Exactly. And we did. And guess what? Heart disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes and death are skyrocketing.
>>>>>>>>>Dr. Lustig believes that's primarily because we replaced a lot of that fat with added sugars.
>>>>>>>>>Attempting to control behavior therough regulation completely backfired in the 70s. Time to double down on the failure. I can't wait to see what they replace sugar with, I bet it tastes awesome. ;)
>>>>>>>>>>Here's the reality: eating healthy in American is way more expensive than eating nutrition-void processed food. Why don't we take those effing big oil tax breaks and those corn subsidies and subsidize healthy foods to make them cheaper than the processed shit that makes up most of american's diets? If healthy food is cheaper, then budget-strapped families can make the economically smart choice, the byproduct of which just happens to be a healthier diet.
>>>>>>>>>In message #1540049 you demonstrate how tax policy affects decisions. If you tax something more, prices rise, which leads to less demand. Let's apply the same idea to your response above, if you remove "big oil" tax breaks, fuel prices rise. Since every single "healthy" food requires fuel to produce, transport and store, you'll be raising prices on all the "healthy" food.
>>>>>>>>Fuel prices rise anyway. Here, as of tomorrow, fuel at the pump will have risen a tad under 8 cents since last Thursday. That makes no sense at all looking at the normal economic factors that are supposed to have a bearing on oil prices. last week when the price went up 3.5 cents ovrnight, even the usual analyst/apologists on the radio were saying out loud that it was nothing less than a rip off, and in those words.
>>>>>>>>>FWIW: Agriculture subsidies serve to keep prices up not down. ;)
>>>>>>>You don't trust the oil companies? I am shocked, shocked.
>>>>>>>What puzzles me is that some people are blaming gas prices on President Obama and expecting him to do something about it. The power of the American presidency is greatly overrated. There is not much he can do about oil prices other than somehow end the turmoil in the Middle East.
>>>>>>Keystone XL
>>>>>>Allow coastal drilling
>>>>>>Re-allow gulf permits
>>>>>>Expidite refinery permits
>>>>>>Speed permiting on public land...oh lookey what the fear of $5/gallon will do :
>>>>>>Nope, there's not much at all the president can do. ;)
>>>>>Your mention of Keystone XL, ANWAR, coastal drilling, etc imply high gas prices are a result a drop in the supply of oil.
>>>>I'm not saying the supply has dropped, rather that the supply could be MUCH greater, it could be more efficiently transported and there could be greatly expanded refinery capacity.
>>>>>But wait, there are about 38.5 million barrels of oil in storage in Cushing, OK, and they are expanding capacity
>>>>Right, storage capacity is increasing. Because???...
>>>>The increased production combined with limited pipeline capacity to the large oil refineries along the Texas and Louisiana gulf coasts has led to a surge in storage demand in Cushing.
>>>>>But, more drilling doesn't reduce gasoline prices
>>>>But, it does, as long as the rest of the process (from oil to gasoline) keeps up.
>>>I'm still not sure what the link has to do with the price of gasoline. It just displays natural gas price w/o reference to production.
>>I am posting that link as an example of what happens to the price of a fuel when the supply dramatically increases.
>>>I know nat gas production is way up, which has depressed the price of natural gas, but as the AP article noted, natural gas is not a global market.
>>Natural gas is traded globally. The US doesn't export much...yet.
>>>I do agree we need more refining capacity.
>>The US has vastly underreported and underestimated the amount of oil it has available. The federal government has purposely, for various political reasons, limited that untapped potential. By tapping our resources the US would not only have actual oil in the market within months, but the futures (where oil contracts are actually traded) would have immediate impact. By, just hinting at production cuts or increases OPEC causes the futures market to react by multiple dollars in a day. Apx 65% of the price of a gallon of gas is the cost of crude oil.
>>That new supply then needs to be transported to it's destination. We presently are having difficulty, again due to political roadblocks, getting pipes built to transport the recent boom in Canadian and northern US oil.
>>Refining is important but but only accounts for about 14% of the price of a gallon of gas and without increased transport capacity new refining capacity will not be 100% efficient.
>>If you want to affect real change at the pump, increase the supply, transportation and refining capacity. All of which are within the Executive branch's power via the Dept of the Interior. The very Dept which is presently holding up all 3.
>Yep. The oil companies. Our friends.
>We should give them bigger tax breaks too.

Up with taxes!

>That way they can increase their profit margins even further on the oil they charge more for than foreign suppliers so they can make the insane profits they current make.

Down with Profits!

>Make sure we all get bigger cars so we can suck more of it...

Down with choice!

>so our friends the oil companies can continue to increase their already stratospheric profits.

Occupy Apple!

>What tripe.


>>>>>And, gasoline is not in short supply in the US. We are producing enough gasoline to export 600,000 barrels/day
>>>>Gasoline and oil sell in a worldwide market. While US demand for gasoline is shrinking, the worldwide demand is rising.
>>>>>I guess you are correct. There isn't much the president can do.
>>>>Not this president. ;)

Wine is sunlight, held together by water - Galileo Galilei
Un jour sans vin est comme un jour sans soleil - Louis Pasteur
Water separates the people of the world; wine unites them - anonymous
Wine is the most civilized thing in the world - Ernest Hemingway
Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance - Benjamin Franklin

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