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Windows 8 Metro interface
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>I'm working for Sony now. Doing Metro "discovery" - meaning figuring out what we can do with it, which isn't much.
>Watch this vid: Hopefully someone with some common sense at MS will watch it also.
>Aside from the horrific ui, WPF is considerably different. More like Silverlight. There's so much you can't do that I'm amazed that MS would actually try to sell this.
>Craig said "I'm using Win8 every day and spend all my time working in desktop mode. I hardly ever see Metro.". That's the general concensus. Everyone from the junior dev's to the CIO hate is thoroughly. I predict that when this is actualy launched, you'll see damn near everyone turn off the Metro and work in Desktop mode. Even more, I bet many people will not even bother to upgrade.
>Add to that, to get apps onto your PC you have to go through the app store. I mean, REALLY??? What about those of us that support clients? Are my clients now going to be forced to go through the app store when I update them? Again, no one in their right mind would run enterprise apps on Win 8.
>Also, have you seen VS 2011??? I mean, WTF??? Are we going back to battleship gray now? EVERYTHING is gray on gray. The whole damn thing looks like it's disabled. I don't know who fired the designer on the VS team at MS, but they need to rehire that guy. This this is HORRIBLE.

It does look crappy - I'm hoping they actually are using themes on it and just haven't used one yet..?

I do like some of the new features in VS2011. Being primarily an developer, having strong typing on databound controls is great - It gives me a real reason to use EF models on sites just to have the strong typing.

Naturally they changed a bunch of the icons on the toolbars just because... well because.. er, well, I'm sure Craig will have the Microsoft spin on that.

Fun one right at the minute is that I don't have a way to comment anything on an ASPX page - comment buttons are greyed out (and really disabled). Comments work fine on codebehind pages. I can manually comment something out, but ?? I'm hoping that is just a bug.

I did hack the Win8 desktop to at least get somewhat of a start menu.

Best thing I've discovered in playing with Win8 is Oracle VirtualBox! I actually like something from Oracle!! Of course Oracle didn't develop it, but it does have Oracle in the name.

From what I was reading, Virtualbox was one of the only virtual machines capable of running Win8 CP cleanly, so I tried it. To my astonishment, it installed simply, was simple to configure, and worked properly w/o having to call some Oracle support guru in a suit for help.. From Oracle!!!

>I for sure won't upgrade my PC's.
>To Microsoft: HUGE MISTAKE
>>Does anyone think it doesn't suck on a desktop?
>>Why in the he77 Microsoft would try to make that a default for an OS that likely targets desktop users is absolutely beyond me.
>>The OS itself seems pretty good, but they've Vista'd the interface. I would have expected them to have learned not to throw a crappy interface at people just to be different. Obviously I was wrong.
>>Of course even the non-Metro desktop has changed fairly drastically (not Vista'd, but considerably different).
>>They should make Metro a non-default installation option - "Do you want a cutesy touch interface or are you using a real computer?"
>>Yeah - I've been playing with that and Visual Studio 11 all day.

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