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Can Stored Procedure take a Table as a Parameter
04/07/2012 09:18:09
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Hi Charles.
You are certainly keeoing quire busy !!
I had a look at your SF post and am just working through things right now.


>I have a big app I wrote with SF using VB right after the class which I still extend for the client.
>I am consulting at Dow Jones Indexes now and they have SF licenses and last year I did a couple of apps there in SF with C#, but I have let my personal license expire as I don't see any future for SF beyond Winforms apps ( which SF does very well ).
> I think the demands of (and profits from) the Medical app make it bad business for Microfour to put too much time into the framework business, which I can understand. but I haven't seen any advances in SF since 2008 or so.
>I am more interested in using Entity Framework and WPF, SOA etc for future consulting client development.
>Lately I have been learning to use the Code Framework which EPS ./ Code Magazine gives away. I like the architecture and it seems to suit what I see as my future development.
> I have also liked IdeaBlade Devforce as I think they "got" entity framework early on and really tooled their framework around it..
>But hop efully well into next year most of my time will be at S & P - Dow Jones where the demand is very heavy in SSIS and TSQL so I'm enjoying that a lot.
>Let me know if you have any questions about implementing the stuff in my SF post. I have lots of sample code if it would help.
>>Hi Charles.
>>Thanks for that.... I'll have a look also at the Strataframe Forum Post
>>(I have not seen too many posts from you recently in the SF forum...are you still using SF or moved on to something else ?
>>>>I want to pass a Table of Primary keys to a stored procedure, with the intention of selecting out ALL children related to All the Rows passed into the SP.
>>>>Something Like following in Stored Procedure:
>>>>Select * from @ParentTable join ChildTable on ParetPK = ChildFK
>>>>Just wondering is it possible to pass the ParentTable as a parameter to the Stored Procedure. Code examples would be appreciated
>>>>The ParentTable is the Parameter I want to Pass in
>>>>ChildTable is a SqlServer Table in a database
>>>My guess is you don't want to pass in the whole parent table but rather a list of primary keys in order to get all the children for a set of parents. If this is the case and you are calling it from .NET remember you can pass a List of T or anything that implements iEnumerable to an SP that accepts a table valued parameter.
>>> It is useful to create a table valued data type in your sql table and a stored procedure that accepts parameter of that type which then does basically what you are showing in code above.
>>>Do I remember correctly that you used Strataframe at one time? If so, you might find a writeup I did on the SF forum useful. I used this technique a lot with SF.
>>>This spells it out in a lot of detail ( the techniques described are not at all limited to SF )
>>>Kevin Goff had a great Baker's Dozen article in the July 2008 issue of Code Magazine that got me started on this. For some reason it is impossible to fine on the CM website but if you google around for Kevin's blog and then search you''ll find it there.

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