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It's Paul Ryan for VP
17/08/2012 16:55:42
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>>>>>>>>>>>Then habituate them again to the idea that death is free and keeping among the living will cost exponentially at higher age...
>>>>>>>>>Won't happen. These people have voted for Ponzi benefits all their lives and won't stop now.
>>>>>>>>>>>I know I paid already more in taxes than I will ever cost or have received from the state including eddication,
>>>>>>>>>but I will leave for another country if they try to tax the funds I reserved for my retirement to that degree.
>>>>>>>>>I used to think that way until my accountant told me to think of it differently: paying more tax means you're doing OK and have a better life than somebody who pays no tax.
>>>>>>>>I can't remember where (I vaguely think it was in Jim Bouton's "Ball Four," but don't know why I think that), but years ago, I read a line like "My goal is to have a tax bill big enough to complain about." Whenever I want to complain about my taxes (and we pay some pretty high ones), I remember that.
>>>>>>>I see it differently. I want everybody, including lower middle class and upper class to pay the same % of their income in taxes. And then people with lower income will complain that they don't have enough money and do something about it.
>>>>>>First, even with a flat tax (which I firmly oppose), earn enough and your tax bill will feel pretty painful.
>>>>>>More to the point, we form a society because we can do certain things better together than alone. The tax system should ensure that we have enough money to do those things and do them right. And, of course, there's lots of room to argue about which things those should be.
>>>>>>In addition, changes are quite good that people with higher earnings have benefited more from those things. Big businesses rely on roads and public order and an educated populace and a bunch of other things we pay for with our tax dollars.
>>>>>And I am for flat tax and eliminating loopholes for everybody.
>>>>>This talk about "big business" is Obama and his supporters propaganda (who themselves are rich and know how to get through loopholes). Many small business owners's families makes more than 250K. They don't owe more to the government than anybody else.
>>>>>The roads and education is paid by taxpayers money; not government. I agree we need public funds for the necessary services. But not to the Solyndras.
>>>>>Most importantly the policies of class warfare (= Obama's policies) makes this society worse off every day. People have less and less motivation to work hard, learn skills, make more money. Reminds me very much of the Soviet times.
>>>>>And during the Soviet times I heard almost exactly the same arguments you make.
>>>>Flat tax is a blatant gift to the rich. I am no communist but that is just wrong.
>>>Didn't Warren Buffet say that he paid about 17% income tax. If you set flat tax as, say 25%, he will have to pay. Sounds like a good math to me.
>>And Warren Buffett would be more than happy to pay it, too. He's the one who said it was ridiculous that he paid at a lower rate than his secretary did.
>Therefore you, Warren Buffet, and I, all agree that flat tax is good :).

Nope, didn't say that - a flat tax actually hurts someone making under the median wage and is incredibly cheap for someone making more than the median.
"You don't manage people. You manage things - people you lead" Adm. Grace Hopper
Pflugerville, between a Rock and a Weird Place

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