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08/09/2012 17:07:17
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Re: Iowa
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>I've actually enjoyed reading the same old stuff again today. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. The blame is still going around. I hear it on the news and read it online in the media and in forums :) According to headlines, we should not get rid of Obama, but rather Bush! Oh wait, Bush is already gone and isn't on the ticket. Well maybe like Harry Reid, who blamed the Republicans for slavery and blocking the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (clearly he is not a history buff), enough of the public will believe what they hear -- according to most polls and even just listening and reading, it works. For some reason, politicians and the media can rewrite history. Say it or write it enough times and people will believe it. Obama only needs to keep it up - it's working. It's worked since before he was elected, and by listening to the sheeple, it will continue to work. You have nothing to worry about. I think what really saddens me though is the race card being played anytime someone doesn't like the questions put forward or the information presented. This election is so much worse than the last one and I thought that one was one for the history books - it won't be long and it will rival 1828. Sadly the worst is not coming from the candidates but rather from the voters!
> Obama Blames Arab Spring and Japan’s Earthquake on Struggling Economy and Job Situation (Aug. 5, 2011).
> Obama Blames Messy Democracy for His Failed Policies (Aug. 3, 2011).
> Obama Blames Congress for US Debt Mess (June 29, 2011).
> Obama Blames Republicans for Slow Pace on Immigration Reform (July 25, 2011).
> Obama Blames Media for Lack of Compromise in Washington (July 22, 2011).
> Obama Blames Technology for Struggling Economy (June 14, 2011).
> Obama Blames Oil Spectators for High Oil Prices (April 19, 2011).
> Obama Blames Reagan for America’s Out of Control Debt and Spending (April 13, 2011).
> Obama Blames Bush and Congress for Lack of Fiscal Discipline (April 13, 2011).
> Obama Blames Bush-Congress for Putting Off Tough Decisions (Aug. 17, 2010).
> Obama Blames Bush for Tax Cuts, Deficits (June 30, 2010).
> Obama Blames Bush for Deficits (June 8, 2010).
> Obama Blames GOP for Events that Led to Gulf Oil Spill (June 3, 2010).
> Obama Blames Republicans for America Not Being Able to Solve Problems (June 3, 2010).
> Obama Blames Corporations for Everybody’s Problems (June 3, 2010).
> Obama Blames Bush for Overall Standing of American Economy (April 19, 2010).
> Obama Blames Bush, Congress for Deficits (Feb. 1, 2010).
> Obama Blames Bush for Regulatory Policies (Jan. 17, 2010).
> Obama Blames Bush for Overall Standing of Economy and American Standing (April 19, 2010).
> Obama Blames Bush and Congress for Deficits (Feb. 1, 2010).
> Obama Blames Bush for Regulatory Policies (Jan. 17, 2010).
> Obama Blames Wall Street Fat Cats for Economic Disaster (Dec. 13, 2009).
> Obama Blames Bush for Overall Economy (Sept. 27, 2009).
> Obama Blames Bush for Stifling Unions (Sept. 7, 2009).
> Obama Blames Bush for Prescription Drug Bill (Aug. 11, 2009).
> Obama Blames Bush for Jobs (July 22, 2009).
> Obama Blames Bush for Failure to Recognize Europe’s Leading Role in the World (April 3, 2009).
> Obama Blames Bush for Deficits (Feb. 23, 2009).
> Candidate Obama Blames Fox News for his Elitist Label (October 2008).
> Candidate Obama Blames Fox News for Likely Loss in Kentucky Primary (May 2008).
> Candidate Obama Blames Washington for High Gas Prices (April 25, 2008).

I could say most of that was true and a lot of it was quite a while ago now. But that would be perpetuating the problem. This election has been so nasty, so extreme, so corrupted by money, I mainly just want it to be over with. I will try to do some good with a small number of voters in Iowa and then accept the result. Rah rah rah, sis boom bah ;-)

It's good to see you posting and hope you stick around. The discourse on the UT has actually been more civil lately IMO. I think a lot of us are tired of constant warfare.

I don't know if you have seen any of the posts about the TV show "The West Wing." You may have already seen the show. What an incredible series. There is some good military stuff, among many other things. One of the main things that comes through is what a nearly impossible job the presidency is. It gives me renewed respect for everyone who ever sat in that chair. The crises pour in, sometimes several a day, and you have to do your best to keep leading in a maelstrom. And knowing that whatever you decide, half the people are going to hate you for it. You know where I stand in this election but I will give the same allegiance to Mitt Romney if he is the choice.

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