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Unbelievably Quiet
21/10/2012 10:28:37
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>>>>Only 17 flaming days to go... I can't believe how little political commentary is happening here.
>>>>Maybe a Romney landslide is so certain that no-one thinks it's worth discussing further ;)
>>>It's starting to shape up that way.
>>>Besides, what is there to discuss? I don't think anyone here is one of the saintly "undecided". ;)
>>I just said the same thing. Always nice to agree with you ;-)
>>It's hardly wrapped up, though -- http://www.realclearpolitics.com/polls/
>>Were you in a yurt during the debate on Tuesday? ;-)
>I've loved all the debates so far. I enjoy the fight and the post-debate spinning/squirming. I've especially enjoyed MSNBC's coverage. Truly funny stuff. Their hystrionics after the 1st debate was hilarious. I also enjoy all 3 cable "news" networks switching opinions on the moderators between the 1st debate and the 2nd. ;)
>Nothing is wrapped up but the tide has turned, the dam is broken and the President doesn't seem to be able to stop the flow. It seems to me that prior to the 1st debate the President's characterization of Romney had taken hold. The strategy being to paint him as the evil corporate rich guy v. Obama the champion of the regular guy. Then the country actually saw Romney in action. He was strong when Obama was weak and the post convention glow was snuffed.
>In investing (and gambling) there's a saying: the trend is your friend until it ends. Right now the country is clearly trending towards Romney. Biden couldn't stop it and I don't think Obama did in the 2nd debate (we won't really know until Monday polls). Going into the 1st debate there were 9 swing states in play and Obama led in 8 of them. As of today there are between 10 and 17 in play and all have moved in Romney's favor in October.
>The President has 1 last chance on Monday and since the debate is on foreign policy (ie. a topic not in the top 5 concerns of the electorate) I don't see how he swings the momentum).
>This is the biggest swing in the final month of an election I've seen in my lifetime (note: I was 7 during Reagan's 1980 swing). Truly fascinating stuff.

In 1980 I was 20 and paying close attention as it was my first Presidential election. I watched and listened and read everything I could. Now, this is my daughter's first election and she is pushing my political tolerance level :) She watches and reads everything - she looks up every single position both candidates have taken on every issue and tracks how their positions have changed. She has found - like most of America I think if they really researched it - that she agrees with both candidates about 50%. She is left to choosing which issues she feels are most important right now and voting accordingly. I am proud that she is doing due diligence in deciding how to vote and saddened that she has come to the same realization as many: her ideal candidate doesn't exist. It's a harsh reality.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"

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