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>>Can you please show a sample of the client side redirect? Also, how will it get the model I am passing?
>I tend to just use something like this:
>document.location = "urlgoeshere";
>You don't really pass the model directly. What I do is embed the primary key in a hidden column of the grid. When the grid loads, I check the record count. If it's 1 I grab this hidden column and include it in my redirect.
>Here's some code from one of my projects. I'm using jqGrid so you won't be able to use it as-is, but hopefully it helps point you in the right direction:
>Basically what happens is the grid requests data via JSON (not shown). Once it has retrieved that data it calls gridLoadComplete and passes in the data it received. I select the first row. Another jqGrid event fires when the row is selected that calls selectLoan and it passes in the primary key I set in gridLoadComplete. I have a settings object that holds my settings and URLs so I take that URL and add in the ID (so the URL ends up being something like /Controller/Action/Edit/1)
>Most of this code is just eventing stuff specific to jqGrid.
>   var settings = {
>      viewLoanUrl: "@Url.Content("~/Loan/Detail/")";
>   };
>    function selectLoan(id, selected) {
>        document.location = settings.viewLoanUrl + id;
>    }
>    function gridLoadComplete(data) {
>        if (data.records == "1") {
>            var items = $("#loan").jqGrid("getRowData");
>            $("#loan").jqGrid("setSelection", items[0].Loan);            
>        }
>    }
I may try something like that also, although this is still hard for me. I've been able to achieve partial success with flexigrid. Partial, because I have now the following problem - I only want a few columns in the grid, but I want to see all columns in the add/edit. I didn't find a lot of examples. One example I used initially is too simple and another one is too complex for me (besides, it is still not what I need anyway).

That's the complex stuff I found http://www.ienablemuch.com/2011/11/flexigrid-crudinline-form-with-aspnet.html

On Friday Dorin pointed me to http://www.datatables.net/examples/ and this seems like a great and simplest (minimal coding required) way to get the nice grid, so I plan to try it also. I got caught up in a different issue while I was thinking of switching - how to properly add them to the project (using CDN). This led me to a different blog about bundles config which in turn presented a new problem of not being able to simply provide a CDN directory for all jquery files.
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