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BIG Prediction Time!
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>>>>>On Friday I made my prediction Romney 296-242 and I was out on a limb. This morning I've read 2 columnists who followed my lead. Thus, I've determined that I wasn't bold enough. It's go BIG time!
>>>>>Tomorrow I'm planning on going off diet and deep into the cellar for a prime grade rib-eye & a stunning cabernet while watching the political super bowl. I have to be up at 3am on Wednesday & I expect I will enjoy a full night's sleep. Here's the way I see tomorrow night. All times PST.
>>>>>Swing state polls close :
>>>>>4pm - Virginia & Ohio
>>>>>4:30 - North Carolina
>>>>>5pm - Florida, Pennsylvania & New Hampshire
>>>>>6pm - Colorado, Wisconsin, Minnesota & Michigan
>>>>>7pm - Iowa & Nevada
>>>>>My night as I see it:
>>>>>6-7pm - Virginia & North Carolina are called for Romney
>>>>>7-8pm - I'm enjoying my dinner, Florida and New Hampshire get called for Romney & I'm watching heads explode while flipping between NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC & CNN. Note: My father will likely be grouching because I'm not turning on FoxNews but my house, my rules & I prefer to watch pundits lose their collective minds rather then get tingles up their leg.
>>>>>8-9pm - Colorado & Wisconsin go to the official 45th President of the United States.
>>>>>9-10pm - I head to bed
>>>>>You'll note that I don't mention Ohio or Pennsylvania, because I believe they'll still be counting by the time Romney wins. ;)
>>>>>As I sleep, I predict that Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado & Iowa all go to Romney making the final tally 315-217 in a rout. Now I know that I mentioned 362 before but really that's more of the absolute high end. If I was feeling really saucy, I'd call Michigan & Minnesota for Romney as well, but even an opptimist like me thinks that's a bridge too far. Although, a certain computer prediction which has been fairly accurate in the past has predicted Romney to get 330 electors so...
>>>>>In addition, the Reps are going to pick up a couple Congressional seats and the Senate will switch. Specifically the close Senate races will grab hold of the top of the ticket coattails and swing right in Florida, Montana, Nebraska, N Dakota, Pennsylvania, Virginia & Wisconsin.
>>>>>There! Now that's a BIG prediction. A big meal, a big election and a solid night's sleep. Who says I'm not an optimist?!?
>>>>You may have been dreaming when you wrote that, Jake ;-) We'll see. As I posted here yesterday, I am not making any predictions.
>>>>Interesting what you say about not wanting to watch Fox News. CNN is much more simpatico for me but I have began avoiding any of their political coverage when their "pundits" are featured. You can count on them to be either rock solid liberal or rock solid conservative no matter what happens. You know the ones I mean. (It does not include John King, Wolf Blitzer, and the other reporters who give it to you pretty straight). I make a partial exemption for Jim Carville. He's as biased as the others but at least he's entertaining.
>>>>My other reason for planning to primarily watch NBC, CBS, and ABC tonight (whichever one seems to be most in a groove) is that they will have far more coverage of the local races. Some of the Congressional ones could be important on the national map. You would not believe how much money the "super PACs" have poured into these races. TV ads, ads in the newspaper, flyers in the mail every day, phone calls every day. And almost every one of them attacks on the opponent. Begone!
>>>Well, as it turns out I did flip over to FoxNews early. For the exact reason I wasn't going to watch them, body language after the Pennsylvania call. At the time that call was made (I cannot remember which network I was on at the time), Florida, Virginia & NC were too close & I changed to MSNBC, where they were all smiles. At that point I knew I'd have an early night. Over at Fox they were very was over. When Wisconsin went, my wife and I were prepping dinner. When they called Ohio we had just sat down & my phone exploded. It got turned off. The steak was perfect, the wine was magnificient and the movie Babies (which we turned on) made me smile. After dinner & the movie we switched back to coverage and they were waiting for the speeches. I kissed my wife goodnight and headed off to bed. I slept soundly in the knowledge that I had not spent a billion dollars for nothing to change. ;)
>>>I may dig into the numbers, I may not, but my initial suspicion is that Sandy turned out to be the difference. The cynic in me says that the happiest politician in the country right now is Chris Christie.
>>don't you think that maybe the big picture has changed in the US.
>There's definitely a changing picture in the US, I'm just not convinced it's national, but rather in the States. As evidence, I cite that nationally, nothing has changed. $1 billion+ spent and come January the national politicians will be in exactly the same place as they are today. Yet another blow to the idea that elections can be bought. The only mandate I see is for more of the same.
>In the states a number of significant changes occurred. For instance, gay marriage was passed (or not restricted) by voters in a couple states for the 1st time & pot was fully legalized in a couple. Out here on the left coast the voters passed a tax increase for the 1st time in 8 years. In fact it looks like we passed 2!
>>Its like a poor team complaining after losing because of one refereeing decision. If the Republicans want to bounce back they're going to have to ditch some of the crazies and reclaim the middle ground.
>I always thought this election would hinge on the economy & my initial instinct tells me that was true but it was individualized. The nation is split based upon one's own economic conditions. It looks like the Ohio union vote came in stronger than predicted, that's people voting directly for their economic circumstances. Also, urban centers went heavily for the President and rural areas for Romney. No significant change there.
>In addition, early exit interviews seem to show that the reaction to Sandy had an effect on "undecideds".
>The biggest surprise to me is Virginia.
>I totally agree about the crazies. I would offer that both parties need to clean their gutters.

I was surprised by Virginia as well. Along with Florida, assuming the presumed recount holds up.

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