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21/11/2012 14:35:19
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>>>If you go to Edmonton in the winter, do bring a shovel. You may need it. Sometimes snow shoes are the rage.
>Alternatively you can head Down Under where they will be wearing shorts and flip-flops at the BBQ on Christmas Day. ;-)
>How are you, Tom?

My daughter loved New Zealand, as do my cousins that live there. My wife is from Peru, and I tell everyone that we celebrate Christmas incorrectly. You see, in Peru, on Christmas day Santa Claus visits by riding a surfboard. The weather is nice and warm and there is no need for Reindeer, just like New Zealand that time of the year.

When we last got together you were wearing Bermuda shorts and a light shirt. Being a fourth generation San Franciscan, I was dressed for a typical San Francisco day. Windy and cool. I was concerned when we were on top of Twin Peaks enjoying the view that you would be cold, but you were not. I thought that your internal thermostat was set to New Zealand, so you were comfortable. :)

All is well here and we are enjoying our Thanksgiving day. I am doing the cooking, and having fun. Right now the Yams are enjoying the oven while I have a bit of fun with my musical instruments and visit a forum or two. Next I will do the stuffing, two pies, and then the Turkey. Katy is enjoying a few minutes extra sleep.

I always helped my mom cook. On holidays we had a lot of fun by starting at night and finished preparations at about 2 AM. When I was ten I asked my mom if I could make the pies. I added some flour and water and made a ball. Then I took a water glass (16 ounce) and used it to roll the dough into a circle.

I placed the bottom side of the glass at about the center of the dough ball and inscribed a circle. For some reason it turned out to a near perfect circle, which I attribute to beginners luck. My mom was so impressed she said, “You are in charge of making pies”! Thus began my love of pie making. Eating the pies is what I enjoy most! :)

My favorite pie is made with apple slices and German Cherries. It is about four inches tall at the center and everyone loves it. I use no sugar, as I enjoy the flavor of the fruit and who needs extra sugar in his/her diet?

A great way to cook a Turkey is to cut it into pieces, remove the skin, cover it with a little butter and spice it the way you like. Place it in an oven at 275 F, and test it at two and three hours or until it reaches the proper temperature. The low temperature allows the juices to remain inside for the most part. I make my dressing in a separate container.

Well, it is time to get to the stuffing. Talk to you later.


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