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The fiscal cliff
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Simply stated, the Tea Party, Evangelicals and other radicals within the Republican party have been trying to destroy the United States. When there is one person in this country who controls all the wealth they will be happy, but he better be a bible thumping, extreme right winged radical.

Now Mike, I know that you fully realize the importance of the rich! I know that they do. The working class has no business dealing with money. Why those who work for a living should not have any money at all. Only the rich know how to use money effectively.

An example of what the working class and poor do with money is to pay bills like rent, food, and clothing. The rich know how to invest money to make more money. Why give a rich man $1 million and he will make more in one year through investments than the average working stiff makes all year. The rich also know how to enjoy life, its luxuries and pleasures.

I remember reading a book some years ago about the distribution of wealth in the United States. It stated that 95% of the wealth of this nation was held by 5% of the people. If all of the wealth in the United States were equally distributed, within five years the same people who were previously wealthy (the 5%) would own 95% of the wealth once again.

You see, what was not taken into account was the laws that allow people to “take it all”. The cheats and those that take advantage of his/her fellow man are doing “God’s work”. You see, if you are rich you must determine how to rob, steal, and cheat your way to the top, while working within “the law”. You can pay to have your own laws and your own way of life.

Nietzsche said, “Laws are made by the weak to protect them from the powerful”. Well, he did not know Americans (as we like to call ourselves). We are told that it would not be proper to have laws that protect us from the rich. Just look at our history since our beginnings. Vanderbilt, Scott, Carnegie, Rockefeller, and J P Morgan are good examples of what “Real Americans” are.

The working class has no business asking for safe working conditions, a decent wage, and child labor laws, just for starts. Just think of the “trickle down policy”. Surely the crumbs of the rich will trickle down to the working class and poor of this nation and will fulfill their every need.

What we should aspire to and is our God given right is to lie, cheat, steal, and scheme how to take the money of others with little or no effort on our own part, while working within the laws as they presently exist. You see, that is what being “A Real American” is all about.

>In addition to being a lock on the list of the most memorable new phrases of 2012, the so-called fiscal cliff has to be on the short list of the most misrepresented issues. Taken straight off today's news wire, here is John Boehner saying with a straight face that it is a tax hike on the rich.
>He is correct that they will be paying more taxes than they are now. What he leaves out is that the tax rate for all Americans was reduced during the Bush administration (with bipartisan support) for a limited time. That time period has been extended at least once and is now scheduled to expire at the end of the year. President Obama has agreed to extend the tax rate cut for all but the richest 1-2% of Americans, those with reported earnings over $250,000 a year. Yes, you read that right. Almost all of us will be paying less taxes than than we would if the temporary tax cut expires as scheduled. The Republicans are going to the wall for the top 1-2%. Think about that.
>Obama said repeatedly during the campaign that he did not want to extend the tax cut for the wealthiest. This was said and debated many, many times. His position could not have been more clear. He won the election. Now the House Republicans want to have their way anyway. Is there something wrong with this picture?

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