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Congratulations Illinois - 2nd Amendment Restored
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>>>>>>I am not for complete gun bans in the U.S. I am for laws restricting the sale, trade, or use of weapons that clearly have no use other than military action. If we truly believe that U.S. citizens need the right to own assault weapons, than require them to be stored and maintained in local arsenals that are heavily monitored and secured. Restrict the use of such weapons to supervised practice in the same location.
>>>>>I mention only in passing that the original intent of the 2nd amendment was for a well regulated militia. Unless the citizen militia had been called out to defend against an invading force the guns were kept in armories. We have had a standing army since 1850, replacing the citizen militia. As I guess you know very well ;-) (Thanks, which is what I say to every soldier).
>>>>>UPDATE: What I am saying, and you agree, is let's take some reasonable action and ban assault weapons. We are not going to eliminate all guns, agreed again. But we can and should do something.
>>>>The scary looking guns ban from the 90's. Worked great.
>>>>>Yesterday I asked for anyone to defend a reasonable purpose of these weapons. No reply yet.
>>>>There is now.
>>>No, no there's not - and I stand firmly in the 'It's MY gun, dammit' field. And, if you ask any of my friends and co-workers, I can justify almost anything - but not this. No, you don't need an assault weapon for hunting. We've taken all the skill out of it anyway, unless you're bow hunting or what you're hunting is also hunting you with a non-attached weapon (but that's called war). No, you don't need an assault weapon for home protection - the Zombie Apocalypse is NOT just around the corner. Besides, as any veteran of first-person shooters will tell you, assault weapons on full auto are a wonderful way to waste bullets not hitting what you're aiming at.
>>This wasn't an assault weapon. The bushmaster is semi auto.
>>It apparently did have 30 round clip(s). I don't see a need for that.
>>>And please don't pull out the tired "Well, if someone had been there with an assault weapon they could have stopped this from happening!" crap. If someone had been there at the school with an assault weapon, well yeah - it might have stopped this from happening, mostly because the school would have been on lock-down with 37 cop and first responder units surrounding it as they were arresting the idiot who was standing outside of an elementary school with a freakin' assault weapon.
>Can you please explain the distinction between assault weapon and semi automatic rifle? This is a sincere question from the uninitiated. To me they look a lot alike and seem to have the same characteristics.

An assault weapon is a weapon designed for military use in fighting an armed enemy. Assault rifles really made their debut in WWII - they were lighter and smaller than the old bolt action rifles they replaced, and they were capable of full auto fire (selectable semi/full/burst (some)). These were designed to go after an armed enemy - they weren't for sniping. Full auto or burst is what you use in a real assault.

Semi auto means the gun fires once each time you pull the trigger. A double action revolver qualifies as semi auto, same as the bushmaster the little ba$turd used.

Full auto means the gun fires continuously while the trigger is pulled. These weapons are heavily regulated.

Burst means a couple of shots are fired per pull. These weapons are heavily regulated.

One thing the scary weapons ban had in it that catually made some sense was limiting the magazine capacity for semi-auto rifles. I'll agree that a 30 round clip is not needed for home defense.

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