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>>Similar experience here. Although neither my wife nor me had any musical background, we wanted our daughters to give it a try. (That was our general approach -- expose them to a lot of things and then let them pursue the ones that interested them). The older one never wanted to do it but was young enough that we could still control her, at least up to a point. Clarinet one year, saxophone the next. Those saxophone rehearsal times brought a new meaning to discordant. She kept "losing" her reeds and we let her off the hook. Her younger spinster had more talent and took piano lessons for several years, played in some recitals, and so on. Her best teacher was a no-nonsense Russian immigrant. (One week Irina had to reschedule the lesson because she was being sworn in as a U.S. citizen; we sent flowers to "the newest American"). "Sit up straight." "Keep your elbows up." Like that. But Emily never really developed a love of playing and drifted away from it. AFAIK she has not played in several years.
>Our approach is similar, expose her to as much as we can but not force her into anything. One of our first tries was, of course as good Argentinians, soccer, as soon as we could, when she was 5 years old, we bought her cleats, pink of course as that was her colour, take her to the first practice of a 2 week long soccer camp and that was it, she stood in the middle of the field with some other kid, talking about "fashion" while the ball would run just past them and the next day there was no way she would go, money well spent :)
>Now recently I offer her to buy a guitar or electric (electronic?) piano for her to learn, even one friend of ours has a real piano and offer to teach her, but she is not into it, she found out what she likes, reading and writing books and playing ringette, which I think are all very good things for her.

We did not force our son or daughter to do anything. They both started playing musical instruments at 4 years old, because they were interested. Both performed in youth bands in San Jose, California, and still perform. They are both accomplished musicians, and teachers. Another thing about how we raised our kids was we did not suggest what career they should enter. However, having been an electronics engineer and programmer, I strongly suggested they avoid “hi tech”, which they did!

Raising kids is fun, and a full time job! The more you put into it the better the results. Our son and daughter are visiting us for the Holidays, and our 47th Wedding Anniversary on Sunday. :)

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