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Living in a computer simulation
11/01/2013 11:14:14
11/01/2013 10:57:11
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To heck with this. Why not crack the quantum code, break into the computer running our simulation and make a few changes?

>>>>Let's say we've made a simulation universe.
>>>>In that simulation, let's do Young's Double Slit experiment.
>>>Don't know that experiment.
>>It pretty much defines QM.
>Yup. Nope. Don't know it.
>>>The simulated universe could only be an approximation of true reality.
>>Well, sure. Quantum mechanics is just an approximation of true reality.
>>General Relativity is just an approximation of true reality.
>>The idea is that we aren't sure which is better, which is right.
>Since they are approximations, neither is correct. Einstein was right: "God does not play dice with the universe." There is a proper law out there on the behavior of all things. We just haven't found it yet. And so far as we have observed, it seems like chaos at the micro levels. But, it is not. It is entirely well-ordered, entirely well-defined, and within that set of parameters exists the purposefully programmed, outwardly apparent variability we are seeing.
>>The idea is creating this simulation, with a human being in it, and if
>>QM and GR can come out of the human being's measurements, then
>>the simulation will be a more accurate approximation of just GR or
>>just QM.
>Reminds me of two fleas on the back of a dog trying to write a dog simulation. They are missing so many steps between their view of the universe, and the universe, as they think the universe is a dog's back.
>>And that's what science wants. More accurate models and theories.
>I spoke recently with a researcher at UofI-Urbana. His team is working on simulating an HIV model on the new supercomputers there at NCSA. The simulations his team uses are then compared with these strips of frozen, twisted samples they are able to extract from real life using "cutting edge" methods ... well over my head.
>This scientist spoke of desiring to be able to simulate on the order of millions, or better yet, 10s of millions of atoms simultaneously to produce an accurate enough model so as to really be useful. He said the limiting factor in moving forward is communication latency, even at over 100 Gbps throughput, the latency is the issue. It takes too long to coordinate everything with everything for such a model to iterate. He said even at petascale (10^18) operations per second, it still would not be doable until that fundamental limitation of communication latency is overcome. I remembered when he said that, that I've heard scientists report before that at the really, really tiny levels, it appears that everything in the universe is simultaneously aware of everything else in the universe. I found the correlation there interesting.
>I found the entire discussion interesting, the man interesting, everything ... but as a Christian I know it doesn't matter. Nothing here matters except one thing, us finding our savior. All of us know that our lives here are wisps, vapors. No one knows how long they'll have, so they must make today count and get right with God immediately.
>As such, as interesting as I find all of these mental exercises, challenging, deep thinking, I realize also that all of these rabbit holes we'll chase in intellectual pursuits ... they ultimately yield us nothing. We'd all be better off being farmers and cheesemakers obeying God with our lives, perhaps dying by age 40 due to illness and disease, but being saved in eternity, at which time we are promised God Himself will reveal everything to us, as we enter into eternal life -- the purpose for which man was created, the object of which sin robs from everybody who won't listen to God's call upon their life.
>It's interesting to engage in speculation like these to keep the mind sharp, but in the end it is of no consequence. In actuality, it greatly distracts away from what would be a proper, true pursuit ... coming to know Jesus.
>Hope this makes sense. Someone will argue that discussions about God should be kept over there, and discussions of other things over here ... or vice-versa ... but the truth is ... it is _ALL_ about God. Everyone who answers His call knows this as fact, as does everyone who doesn't answer His call.
I ain't skeert of nuttin eh?
Yikes! What was that?

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