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Protecting Application From Piracy
12/01/2013 16:44:05
12/01/2013 01:56:53
General information
Visual FoxPro
Coding, syntax & commands
Environment versions
Visual FoxPro:
Windows XP
Windows XP
Visual FoxPro
Thread ID:
Message ID:
>Hi Everybody.
>I have an application and I wish that it should not be pirated.
>In order to do that, I thought to use used the concept of Hardware locking system and used CPU ID as unique feature and incorporated the code that If the system is not having the particular CPU id, my application will not run on that.
>However, now I found many CPU have same ID my concept failed.
>Kindly help that how to make my application run on a designated PC only and way to stop piracy of my VFP application.
>What would be code to do That ?

Here's the routine I have used for that. But it's not worth the effort if you do not use a professional encryptioner (like Molebox) that prevents cracking of the code.
*	29/feb/2004 pdv

*	PGD_EE means Pretty Good Discriminator of Executable's Environment.

*	This routine must provide a 'pretty good discriminator' with regard to the executable's environment, that is, 
*	a string that identifies the environment of the executable in such a way that there's a pretty good chance 
*	that it will be another string if the executable is run from another environment.

*	Here's the logic:
*	-	If it is run from a network drive, then it will be based on the server name, e.g. '\\PC1\'.
*	-	If it is run from a local drive, then it will be the drive's volume name, e.g. 'HD_WinXP'.
*	-	If it is a local drive, but no volume name has been specified so far, then it will be the 
*		the local drive's serial number.
*	-	If no name could be determined (empty result), then it will be 'HUH'.

*	Why this logic? The idea is that a license file initially comes without this info. On the first usage 
*	this info is added to the license file. If a user wants to steal a copy of the (modified) license file 
*	for usage on another machine, then there will be a 'pretty good' chance that the result of this function 
*	will be different. That fact can be used to deny (full) usage. The only situation that will lead to the same 
*	result is where the new environment is exactly the same with regard to server name or volume name. So be it. 
*	The drawback is that the user will also be denied (full) usage if the application is moved to another location.
*	The application should then display a messagebox asking the user to write a copy of the original license 
*	key to the application's folder. Big chance that the thief has no original license key!


	local lnDrvType, lcResult, lnBufsize, lcBuff, lcExePath, lcDrvLetter, llUNC, llDrive
	local lcRoot, lcVolName, lnVolSize, lnSerialNO, lnCompLen, lnSysFlags, lcSysName, lnNameSize

	lcResult  = ''
	lcExePath = addbs( justpath( fullpath( sys( 16, 0 ) ) ) )
	llUNC     = .f.
	llDrive   = .f.
	do case
	case left( lcExePath, 2 ) == '\\'
		llUNC = .t.
	case substr( lcExePath, 2, 1 ) = ':'
		*	These defines are from F:\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include\WINBASE.H
		*#define DRIVE_UNKNOWN     0
		*#define DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR 1
		*#define DRIVE_REMOVABLE   2
		*#define DRIVE_FIXED       3
		*#define DRIVE_REMOTE      4
		*#define DRIVE_CDROM       5
		*#define DRIVE_RAMDISK     6

		*	Based on (but not equal to!) <B>Re: How to identify the server name.</B> Thread #817893 Message #817926
		DECLARE INTEGER GetDriveType IN kernel32 STRING RootPath
		DECLARE INTEGER WNetGetConnection IN mpr STRING lpLocalName, STRING @lpRemoteName, INTEGER @lpnLen

		lcDrvLetter = left( lcExePath, 1 )
		lnDrvType   = GetDriveType( lcDrvLetter + ':\' )

		if lnDrvType = 4	&&DRIVE_REMOTE
			lnBufsize = 250
			lcBuff    = Replicate( chr(0), lnBufsize )
			if WNetGetConnection( lcDrvLetter + ':', @lcBuff, @lnBufsize ) = 0
				lcExePath = strtran( lcBuff, chr(0), '' )
				llUNC     = .t.
			llDrive = .t.	

		clear dlls "GetDriveType", "WNetGetConnection"


	do case
	case llUNC
		lcResult = left( lcExePath, at( '\', lcExePath, 3 ) )	&& e.g. '\\PC1\'

	case llDrive

		*	http://fox.wikis.com/wc.dll?Wiki~GetVolumeInformation~WIN_COM_DNA
		DECLARE SHORT GetVolumeInformation IN Win32API ;
			STRING  @lpRootPathName, ;
			STRING  @lpVolumeNameBuffer, ;
			INTEGER nVolumeNameSize, ;
			INTEGER @lpVolumeSerialNumber, ;
			INTEGER @lpMaximumComponentLength, ;
			INTEGER @lpFileSystemFlags, ;
			STRING  @lpFileSystemNameBuffer, ;
			INTEGER nFileSystemNameSize
		STORE 0 TO lnSerialNO, lnCompLen, lnSysFlags
		STORE SPACE(260) TO lcVolName, lcSysName
		STORE LEN(lcVolName) TO lnVolSize, lnNameSize
		lcRoot = lcDrvLetter + ':\'
		if GetVolumeInformation( ;
			@lcRoot, @lcVolName, lnVolSize, @lnSerialNO, @lnCompLen, ;
			@lnSysFlags, @lcSysName, lnNameSize) # 0
			lcResult = strtran( rtrim( lcVolName ), chr(0), '' )
			if empty( lcResult )
				lcResult = ltrim( str( lnSerialNO, 20 ) )
		clear dlls "GetVolumeInformation"
	if empty( lcResult )
		lcResult = 'huh'
RETURN upper( lcResult )
Peter de Valença

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