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Serialize SqlDataReader result to XML
15/01/2013 10:48:06
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>>>Hi everybody,
>>>I am reading some code
>>>// With SqlDataReader, you don't know how many records their are unless you count them.
>>>            recordCount = 0;
>>>            try
>>>            {
>>>                // StringBuilder for the entire return string and one for the records
>>>                StringBuilder returnValue = new StringBuilder();
>>>                StringBuilder recordValues = new StringBuilder();
>>>                // Add the type and the Table start tags
>>>                returnValue.Append("<XML>");
>>>                returnValue.Append("<Table>");
>>>                // Loop through the records and get the column names, values, and record count
>>>                while (sqlDataReader.Read())
>>>                {
>>>                    // There is no sqlDataReader.RecordCount property - we need to increment a counter to figure it out
>>>                    recordCount++;
>>>                    // Add the Record tag
>>>                    recordValues.Append("<Record>");
>>>                    // Loop through the columns and get the name and value
>>>                    for (Int32 i = 0; i < sqlDataReader.FieldCount; i++)
>>>                    {
>>>                        // Store the appropriate format of the column name based on return type
>>>                        String columnName = sqlDataReader.GetName(i);
>>>                        // Get the column value based on the column type
>>>                        String columnValue = GetColumnValue(sqlDataReader, i, true);
>>>                        // Set the string for the record in the appropriate format (removing any empty values from the return)
>>>                        recordValues.AppendFormat("<{0}>{1}</{0}>", columnName, columnValue);
>>>                    }
>>>                    // The end Record tag
>>>                    recordValues.Append("</Record>");
>>>                }
>>>                // Add the record count for the XML return type
>>>                returnValue.AppendFormat("<{0}>{1}</{0}>", "RecCount", recordCount);
>>>                // Append all of the record values (already formatted)
>>>                returnValue.Append(recordValues);
>>>                returnValue.Append("</Table>");
>>>                returnValue.Append("</XML>");
>>>                // Return the whole string...
>>>                return returnValue.ToString();
>>>I am thinking there may be a way to write the above more efficiently with a fewer lines of code.
>>>Do you think it's possible or the above is as good as it gets?
>>>Thanks in advance.
>>What's in GetColumnValue() - that's likely to be the slow bit ?
>>Since the column names are fixed you might be able to cache those and avoid using 'sqlDataReader.GetName(i);' repeatedly.
>>I assume that the required output format precludes using DataSet.WriteXML
>Do you know what format WriteXML returns?

XML :-}

> Also, this is SqlDataReader, not DataSet (although I think one can be converted to another, right)?

Sure. Just use the command to get the DataTable rather than a reader.

>I was also thinking we should somehow avoid calling the sqlDataReader.GetName(i) repeatedly, but do you know how then we should change the above?

Something like
int fieldCount = sqlDataReader.FieldCount;
      string[] FieldNames = new string[fieldCount];
      for (int x = 0; x < fieldCount; x++)
        FieldNames[x] = sqlDataReader.GetName(x);
      while (sqlDataReader.Read())
        for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)
          recordValues.AppendFormat("<{0}>{1}</{0}>", FieldNames[i], GetColumnValue(sqlDataReader, i, true));
As I suspected the heavy lifting is in the GetColumnValue. Haven't looked to see if it can be optimized.....
> This is how GetColumnValue is coded:
>  static String GetColumnValue(SqlDataReader sqlDataReader, Int32 columnIndex, Boolean allColumns = false)
>        {
>            String columnValue = "";
>            try
>            {
>                if (!sqlDataReader.IsDBNull(columnIndex))
>                {
>                    Type columnType = sqlDataReader.GetFieldType(columnIndex);
>                    if (columnType == typeof(System.Byte[]))
>                    {
>                        // Get the number of bytes in the column (set the max to 100k at a time)
>                        Int32 dataLength = (Int32)sqlDataReader.GetBytes(columnIndex, 0, null, 0, 0);
>                        Int32 bufferSize = dataLength;
>                        if (bufferSize > 102400)
>                            bufferSize = 102400;
>                        // Allocate the buffer
>                        Byte[] byteArray = new Byte[bufferSize];
>                        // Set the index of where to start reading - in case the data length exceeds the buffer size
>                        Int32 startIndex = 0;
>                        // Read bytes into byte[] and retain the number of bytes returned.
>                        Int32 bytesRead = (Int32)sqlDataReader.GetBytes(columnIndex, startIndex, byteArray, 0, bufferSize);
>                        Int32 totalBytesRead = bytesRead;
>                        // Convert what we have to a string
>                        columnValue += Encoding.UTF7.GetString(byteArray, 0, bytesRead);
>                        // Continue while there are bytes beyond the size of the buffer.
>                        while (totalBytesRead != dataLength)
>                        {
>                            startIndex += bufferSize;
>                            bytesRead = (Int32)sqlDataReader.GetBytes(columnIndex, startIndex, byteArray, 0, bufferSize);
>                            totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
>                            columnValue += Encoding.UTF7.GetString(byteArray, 0, bytesRead);
>                        }
>                    }
>                    else if (columnType == typeof(System.Boolean))
>                    {
>                        if (sqlDataReader.GetBoolean(columnIndex))
>                            columnValue = "1";
>                        else if (!allColumns)
>                            columnValue = "";
>                        else
>                            columnValue = "0";
>                    }
>                    else if (columnType == typeof(System.DateTime))
>                    {
>                        // If we ever use SQL smalldatetime, datetime2, date, or time types, we will need to modify this
>                        // Currently, we only use SQL datetime column types
>                        // String sqlType = rdr.GetDataTypeName(i);
>                        DateTime dateTime = sqlDataReader.GetDateTime(columnIndex);
>                        columnValue = dateTime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt");
>                    }
>                    else if (columnType == typeof(System.DateTimeOffset))
>                    {
>                        // We don't use this type, but to prevent things from crashing...
>                        DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset = sqlDataReader.GetDateTimeOffset(columnIndex);
>                        dateTimeOffset.ToString();
>                    }
>                    else if (!allColumns && Functions.IsTypeNumericOrBit(columnType))
>                    {
>                        columnValue = sqlDataReader.GetValue(columnIndex).ToString().TrimEnd();
>                        if (Library.Functions.IsZero(Convert.ToDouble(columnValue)))
>                            columnValue = "";
>                    }
>                    else
>                    {
>                        columnValue = sqlDataReader.GetValue(columnIndex).ToString().TrimEnd();
>                    }
>                }
>            }
>            catch (Exception ex)
>            {
>                String error = ex.ToString();
>                Logging.Log(error, 1);
>                return error;
>            }
>            return columnValue;
>        }
>I am just starting working on this project and this is all already coded, so I am just getting familiar with the code and also if something can be improved, it will be great as this code is our base code and will be used repeatedly.

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