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New NY Guns Law
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>>>>NY is trying to pass new gun laws.
>>>>The first person to comment said "All they are going to do is pass some feel good legislation and make millions of previous law abiding citizens into criminals." I totally agree.
>>>The scary looking gun ban modified slightly.
>>>Pistols have a pistol grip. I guess they are all banned?
>>>Are the magazine limits strictly for long guns, or do all 9mm Berettas and such pistols have to leave the state too?
>>Look at the bullet points halfway down the article, The only one which makes any sense is
>>"The measure would also enshrine a system through which mental health professionals would be required to report to officials when they believe their patients may harm themselves or others. In such cases, police would be allowed to confiscate any guns owned by a potentially dangerous patient."

>>The rest won't stop a single person from shooting anyone. I mean, really think about it, 7 rounds in a clip instead of 10 - WTF did THAT solve???
>>I agree with the senetor's statement ""We haven't saved any lives tonight, except one: the political life of a governor who wants to be president,"
>>There are already HUNDREDS of gun laws. Not one stopped the mass shootings. There are little to no mental health laws in place to stop madmen.
>I getting tired of hearing this lame argument. Ok there are HUNDREDS of drunk driving laws, but not one has stopped people dying at the hands of drunk drivers. HOWEVER all these new laws, public awareness campaigns, more strict penalties, etc etc etc have dropped the fatality rate by..ummm..lets see here...2/3's in recent decades! So perhaps you need to reconsider your thinking because this obviously works.

You just made a contradictory statement "there are HUNDREDS of drunk driving laws, but not one has stopped people dying at the hands of drunk drivers" and then "HOWEVER all these new laws..."

So which is it? Either new laws help, or they don't.

Truth is, laws don't mean squat to those who would choose to drive drunk or shoot someone. So, no, it's not a lame argument. It's the truth. But if new laws make you feel better, go ahead and applaude them.
Everything makes sense in someone's mind
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In addition, an integer field is not for irrational people

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