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New NY Guns Law
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>>I think your fear of ultimately becoming a criminal is unfounded.
>>>>Really?? Tell that to the used-to-be law abiding citizens in NY that own 10 round magazines that are now outlaws simply because they have one "Bans possession of any high-capacity magazines regardless of when they were made or sold." According to the article, "high-capacity is 10 rounds instead of 7". Not sure what problem THAT solved. Another stupid, knee jerk reaction that solved nothing.
>>>>From the article" We have taken an entire category of firearms that are currently legal that are in the homes of law-abiding, tax paying citizens. ... We are now turning those law-abiding citizens into criminals."
>>>Yes I see your point. 10 rounds to 7 - hey only saved maybe 3 little lives from another wacko mass shooter. I'm sure that we turned law-abiding tax paying folks into criminals when we put the ban on fully automatic assault weapons too. Doesn't mean it didn't need to be done though.

>>No, I don't think you do. Someone bent on killing will kill just as many people with 7 rounds per mag as 10, assuming they even chose to obey that in the first place. Reducing the magazine capacity from 10 to 7 solves nothing. Someone intent on killing a bunch of people will do it anyway. It takes lierally a fraction of a second to put in another magazine.
>Look we can sit here and nit-pick apart this one example - which as you pointed out is kinda stupid. ...but that doesn't change the fact we need laws, enforcement, awareness to curb the problem.
>>What effect it did have was to make possession a crime. So now thousands of people are criminals for no reason. The real point is this... where/when does it stop? What happens when next week they say "you can only own one gun" and someone has 2 who has never had so much as a parking ticket? Now he's a law breaker because ONE person out of millions went nuts.
>I think fear of the slippy slope is no excuse to do nothing while our children are being murdered in the streets.
>>Now if you should happen to have an arsenal of fully automatic weapons and 10,000 rounds of bullets then perhaps you will - but if that's the case you have other "issues" hahahaha
>>>>I agree from the standpoint of "why do you need all this???", but from the standpoint of rights, I don't
>>Yeah - unless you're the guy that has to live next door to said wacko - then suddenly you're right to feel safe is outweighed by your nutcase next door neighbor who thinks he needs to shoot anyone who tries to take part of his arsenal away (and who wouldn't such a guy to have a gun..right?) hahaha

>>How may guns or rounds in your book qualifies someone to be a "whacko"? Just curious because I have guns and ammo. I want to know if I'm a whacko.
>Well you disagree with me and I'm always right - so you MUST be a whacko! hahaha. I think someone can be whacko with one gun and one bullet - depends upon the person. I think if you someone how thinks they NEED to have 500 guns in your house ya gotta problem.

I agree. But that's a matter of what the person thinks. I own a shotgun and 2 rifles. I target shoot regularly. My buddy has 3 pistols, a shotgun, and a rifle. Why 3 pistols? because they have different firing characteristics that make the competition more challenging. And for hunting you use different types of guns based on the game you're after.

Now if I showed up and he has bought 50 guns and 10,000 rounds, I'd be worried. But I bet that you'll find that this sort of thing is not the norm. Most of the shooters I know are just not like that. They're moderate and just don't commit crimes.
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