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Sending Email Asynchronously
18/01/2013 14:26:02
18/01/2013 13:39:20
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Code, syntaxe and commandes
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>>>>>>>>Superb! Thanks once again Viv. What is interesting is that all the email is now being sent, but the code never hits the SendCompletedCallback.
>>>>>>>>Oh, it also does not seem to be running asynchronously as I don't get control back in the UI for quite a while.
>>>>>>>>One of these days I'll understand C# :(
>>>>>>>I commented out the wiatHandle.WaitOne(); and then my code stopped hanging. Do I need that line of code in there? Is it just in the wrong place?
>>>>>>I think you need it - otherwise the whole PostAWBS method will exit before the async calls are complete. Are you sure all the emails were sent when it was removed ?
>>>>>>P.S Ignore the update to my last post. As you found the SendCompletedCallback will fire whether it is static or not.
>>>>>You're right, just less than half were sent. So do I need to make my PostAWBs asynchronous too? How?
>>>>If you're on .NET 4 then it's quite a bit more work than 4.5 which has the 'await' pattern :-{
>>>>See this link :
>>>>You'd need to use the last (most complicated :{ ) version : 'Execute a callback when an asynchronous call completes'.
>>>>(or move to 4.5 :-} )
>>>Thanks, I'll check it out. 4.5 is not an option at the moment as Mere Mortals.NET doesn't support that version yet.
>>Shouldn't be any reason why a 4.5 application should not reference 4.0 assemblies. But, of course, you would need both for deployment.
>>Or, AFAIR, since MM includes source code you could recompile that for 4.5 .....
>when I asked about this before they said they only support 4.0, but I could be wrong.
>Here's what I've got so far (I hope I've chosen the correct one that you pointed me to):
>This is the code that calls my PostAWBs:
        private void btnPost_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
>        {
>            PostAWBBusinessProcess PostAWB = new PostAWBBusinessProcess();
>            AsyncMethodCaller caller = new AsyncMethodCaller(PostAWB.PostAWBs);
>            IAsyncResult result = caller.BeginInvoke(3000,
>                new AsyncCallback(CallbackMethod));
>            //PostAWB.PostAWBs();
>            this.Close();
>        }
>I get two errors on the caller.BeginInvoke:
>1. Argument 1: cannot convert from 'int' to 'System.AsyncCallback'
>2. The best overloaded method match for 'SamaanSystems.IBC.WPF.AsyncMethodCaller.BeginInvoke(System.AsyncCallback, object)' has some invalid arguments
>What should I be passing as the first parameter there?
>My PostAWBs definition is:
        public int PostAWBs()
>        {...
>and my CallbackMethod:
        static void CallbackMethod(IAsyncResult ar)
>        {
>            // Retrieve the delegate.
>            AsyncResult result = (AsyncResult)ar;
>            AsyncMethodCaller caller = (AsyncMethodCaller)result.AsyncDelegate;
>            // Call EndInvoke to retrieve the results.
>            int returnValue = caller.EndInvoke(ar);
>        }
Your PostAWBs() should not probably take ManifestImportList as a parameter. The delegate sig would need to be adjusted accordingly and the first parameter to BeginInvoke() should be then be the ManifestImportList

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