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Initial Proposals in Response to the Sandy Hook Shooting
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>>I guess I don't understand what you mean. You're saying don't create
>>any new legislation and lets all pray God keeps people from shooting
>>each other??
>Well this is where many make their mistake. Is Christianity the solution for every ill that exists? Yes. But it's also not an instance effort. You can't jump in the middle of someone's life attempting to apply a last minute solution that would've worked had it been applied appropriately from the beginning and expect it to solve everybody's issues ... because people haven't been taught what Christianity actually means. We have a most destructive form of it in mainstream American churches. It's leading countless people to their destruction under the guise of the power of Jesus, for example.
>Having personal relationships with God (Jesus Christ) throughout each of our lives will give us the proper foundation of knowing who we are, who others are, who He is, why we are here, etc. It will put everything into perspective, the entirety of our lives, all facets, all nuances. And this is true for all those who can hear His voice, who are willing to respond to His call. For them, it will bring about conditioning and a visible change compared to the rest of society of the kind where they are distinct, separate, other than, and they will not be committing those kinds of crimes.
>For everyone else who won't hear it, won't be obedient, won't follow after God, etc., it won't work. And there will always be those people as well ... at least until more people start being true Christians willing to teach and educate others properly in holiness, and in right living.
>But regardless of their condition today, it doesn't mean you stop loving them. You continue to reach out and show them continually the way you would like to be treated, by treating them that way, even if they do not treat you that way. We do this because we, as people, don't know who will and won't be saved over time. A rebellious person today could be a saved person tomorrow. It happens every day. It happened to me in 2004. :-) But the love we show toward people is genuine, from within, from within a changed heart, a changed perspective on life, and without a requisite response of love being directed back toward us for it to manifest itself in the first place. In that way for each of us it is a godly love we exhibit back, because it is actually exactly and only God's love working in us in the first place that even allows us to love others like. I can't love people like that. God can. And God loving me like that allows me to know that love, and return that love.

Thanks for the sermon but it was a YES or NO question - which I see you avoided.

>>What, exactly is your reasoning that brings you to the conclusion that
>>we don't need any new legislation?
>Because the things that were done were already crimes. There is/was legislation already covering it.

I said NEW legislation -so that means a NEW law. For example CREATE LAWS for guns shows, etc. Again you've avoided the question (at least I didn't get a sermon out of it I guess).

>>Because it sounded to me like you think legislation won't work so why
>More legislation won't work ... at least in this case where there are already multiple crimes on the books for what was done.

I disagree. If there was a law preventing someone from getting their hands on a gun in the first place then all they laws they broke once they had the gun don't really matter anymore right? So why wait for a disaster - then say it was against the law - when you can have a law that prevents the disaster in the first place? I think not taking this simple logic into account is rather short-sighted.

>But above all that, more education, more love, more faith, more community activities and a greater reliance upon one another as people living within those communities, etc., these things will ALWAYS work ... and that is true for everyone except those extremists who will always remain completely unapproachable ... though I truly believe those conditions can be cast out with a proper godly love operating inside men as well. Another discussion. :-)
>>And perhaps if we had some new EFFECTIVE legislation
>>...ya know some that doesn't prevent the ATF from actually
>>doing their job .. we might make some actual progress here.
>Perhaps. Having the correct legislation is far more important than having a lot of it, or even any of it. All good points, Victor. :-) I don't think we're far away from agreeing on the principles. It's just in the mechanics.

Yes I think we're closer in agreement that it looks on the surface.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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