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Million Dollar Baby
30/01/2013 12:49:40
30/01/2013 09:11:03
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>>>>You must live in an odd neighborhood ;-) Sorry to hear about the lack of unattached friends.
>>>>Having watched a great movie last night, I am going to watch another one tonight. Tonight it's "The Godfather Part II," the rare exception to the rule that the sequel is never better than the original. It's a shame that Al Pacino was in the original and Robert DeNiro was in the sequel, never together. They eventually did make it into a classic scene together in "Heat." There are at least three classic scenes in that movie, including the one in the coffee shop.
>>>In February, the Alamo Drafthouse (www.alamodrafthouse.com) is going to be showing 'Singing in the Rain' in it's origial format. Yeah, I hate chick-flicks, but give me an old Technicolor musical and I'm SO there, especially if it has Gene Kelly. Other than that, I tend to stick to Action-Porn, Mysteries (but not Horror), and Animated (but not Anime). Love the old Spaghetti Westerns (and the Kurasawa movies they were ripped from) and will watch anything Clint directs. "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" is one of my faves, along with "Outlaw Josey Wales".
>>Action-porn? You are a bad, bad girl.
>>I love mysteries, especially Bogie flicks. Give me noir either on film or in books. Raymond Chandler, James M. Cain, amazing writers. Their books are a nice place to disappear on a cold winter night.
>Mind out of the gutter, Mike! - at least for this time (grin)
>Action-porn: think Bruce Lee, Jason Staitham, the Die Hard set, any Iron Man/Hulk/Thor/Avengers, things like that.
>Love Bogie, Maltese Falcon being the fave, I think. Also love Hepburn/whoever light comedies mostly for the dialogue

2013 is the best build up to Valentine's Day ever. At least on paper. ;)
1/18 - Arnold - The Last Stand
1/25 - Statham - Parker
2/01 - Stallone - Bullet to the Head
2/14 - Willis - A Good Day to Die Hard

fyi: I haven't seen the first 2 yet but I am very much looking foreward to them. A quick scan of rotten tomatoes confirms their awesomeness. Namely, the critics dislike them but the fans approve. Just like most action-porn. ;)
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Un jour sans vin est comme un jour sans soleil - Louis Pasteur
Water separates the people of the world; wine unites them - anonymous
Wine is the most civilized thing in the world - Ernest Hemingway
Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance - Benjamin Franklin

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