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Feel Good Gun Hearing
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The more I follow this the more I'm convinced that, at the federal level, this is all for show. Even the most deluded die-hard anti-gun nut has to understand that this stuff isn't going anywhere nationally. Not because of the Republican House but because the pro-gun Democrats and more importantly the Democrats in pro-gun states and districts are not going to vote against their constituents desires and then have to stand before them in 2014.

The danger is in the states. New York has already over-reacted. I'm convinced California is not far behind. Hopefully, it doesn't take 30 years to get the Supreme Court to properly rule on this unconstitutional garbage again.

>This hearing is certainly entertaining, but will result in ZERO actions that can prevent nutjobs from killing people.
>Some clips from the article:
>Wayne LaPierre
>"My problem with background checks is you're never going to get criminals to go through universal background checks," Wayne LaPierre, CEO and chief lobbyist for the NRA, said at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on gun violence, the first since President Barack Obama laid out new measures to curb gun crime. "None of it makes any sense in the real world.""
>100% correct.
>The nut who shot all those kids USED SOMEONE ELSE'S GUN. No background check would have stopped this. Again, more impotent, ineffective laws on the books.
>Mark Kelly
>"My wife would not have been sitting here today if we had stronger background checks
>100% Wrong
>The assumption here is that some background check would have stopped the shooter. It might have flagged the shooter, or it might not have, but he could have walked up & stabbed her too..... But hey, it sounded good.
>2 Senators
>The deaths in Newtown should not be used to put forward every gun control measure that has been floating around for years," said Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, the committee's ranking member.
>"Emotion often leads to bad policies," said Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, who called the 1994 assault weapons ban a "singularly ineffective piece of legislation."

>100% correct.
>Again, more feel good "Hey, we're doing something" hearings.
>Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Fix the people and leave my rights alone
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