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Re: Soap
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>>>>>>>I am told that I can extract information from a web based application using an API in SOAP
>>>>>>>This is the link I have received - it's Greek to me - can anyone help?
>>>>>>The only way I know of doing this in VFP is using the MSSoap.SoapClient API. But, AFAIK, this is now obsolete and, IAC, not sophisticated enough to handle the required authentication. If there is a sample C# application then it should be easy enough to adapt that so that it could be called from VFP and return the results.
>>>>>>Do you have the C# example ?
>>>>>Tried sending it to your compuserve address as on UT but it bounced back
>>>>Odd. Getting other incoming OK. 100111.2716@compuserve.com ?
>>>>>This is all I have
>>>>Looks fairly straightforward. Any chance you can email some credentials just to test ?
>>>>>BTW my email address is colin@colin-northway.com
>>>UT have your email address as viv.phillips@compuserve.com
>>Ah. I'll change that (used to work but compuserve probably no longer map it to the other one :-{
>>>What credential would they be? Let me know what is needed
>>The sample test requires:
>>Customer number
>>The first three are required in order to establish the connection, the WayBillNumber to get some meaningful data back.
>>Munging it to a .NET dll that would be accessible to VFP should be simple.
>>To use it you would need a version of the .NET framework installed on the target machine.
>>Any preference on the .NET version (2.0 up is OK)?
>I will try to get the information early tomorrow
>As a matter of interest would you be interested in devloping a small app that could return the info to VFP as a table or csv and how would you charge me

Assuming that the sample code works the task is trivial. If you can let me know which .NET version you will use I can email you an EXE to test. If that works then converting to a dll that can be called by VFP and will return objects that you can use in VFP is trivial.

So trivial, in fact, that, in accordance with the Christian values being espoused here recently, I'll do it for nothing :-}

Since the methods only act on one waybill at a time returning an object, rather than a table row or csv string, would probably make more sense.

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