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Returning an object back?
20/02/2013 14:28:39
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>>>I am not sure what do you mean - seat on it in my mind a bit before the solution comes up?
>>Yes, think about it - take your time
>Do you think it's OK to have several DataRow (or DataTable) properties of the class?
>Let me show you some code of the method in VFP I am looking at and what I have so far and what I am thinking of.
>VFP code - part of it:
>   protected procedure SetPass
>      lparameters tnSiteNo, tcWhichKey, tcPrefix, tnPassNo, tcPassNo, tcDptCatItm, tnParentNo, tcPassTable
>      local lcKey, lcRetVal, lcSQLReturn, lnValprnttyp
>      if empty(tcPassNo)
>         tcPassNo = alltrim(str(tnPassNo, 16, 0))
>      endif
>      with this
>         .write_log('Entering method...', program(), '1')
>         if len(tcPrefix) = 0          && default prefix
>            tcPrefix = ' '
>         endif
>         && STEP 1 - Look in the prefix table to find out which tables to open
>         lcSQLReturn = .mysqlexec("select * from dbo.prefix where prefix = "+.VFP2SQL(tcPrefix), 'prefix', program(), .t.)
>         if !lcSQLReturn == 'OK'
>            lcRetVal = '400-'+lcSQLReturn
>            .write_log(lcRetVal, program(), 'E')
>            .write_log('Returning: '+lcRetVal, program(), '2')
>            return lcRetVal          && calling prog does NOT expect .RetValToSTR()
>         endif
>         if (reccount('prefix') = 0 or eof('prefix')) or !prefix.prefix == left(tcPrefix, 1)
>            if upper(alltrim(tcWhichKey)) = 'PASS_NO' and tcPrefix = ' '     && FP# 7524 JT - If client does not have blank prefix, assume gst_pass table
>               .cPassTable = 'GST_PASS'    && store for other procs to use
>               .cInfoTable = 'GUESTS'      && where are name and e_message if they exist?
>               .cWhichKey  = tcWhichKey
>            else
>               lcRetVal = '300-No Table Associated With "' + tcPrefix + '" In The PREFIX Table'
>               .write_log(lcRetVal, program(), 'E')
>               .write_log('Returning: '+lcRetVal, program(), '2')
>               return lcRetVal
>            endif
>         else
>            && STEP 2 - Save those table names to properties of the object for use by this method and calling methods
>            .cPassTable = alltrim(prefix.pass_table) && store for other procs to use
>            .cInfoTable = alltrim(prefix.info_table) && where are name and e_message if they exist?
>            if empty(.cInfoTable)
>               .cInfoTable = iif(lower(.cPassTable) = "access", "access", "guests")
>            endif
>            if empty(tcWhichKey)        && retrieve from the prefix table...
>               .cWhichKey = prefix.whichkey
>            else
>               .cWhichKey = tcWhichKey
>            endif
>            if empty(.cWhichKey)        && can't come up with anything?
>               .cWhichKey = 'pass_no'
>            endif
>            if vartype(tcPassTable) = 'C' and len(tcPassTable) > 3
>               .cPassTable = tcPassTable
>            endif
>         endif
>         .cWhichKey = upper(alltrim(.cWhichKey))
>         if empty(trim(.cPassTable))
>            lcRetVal = '300-No Table Associated With "' + tcPrefix + '" In The PREFIX Table'
>            .write_log(lcRetVal, program(), 'E')
>            .write_log('Returning: '+lcRetVal, program(), '2')
>            return lcRetVal          &&calling prog does NOT expect .RetValToSTR()
>         endif
>         && STEP 3 - Open the table containing the pass record
>         lcSQL = textmerge("SELECT * FROM <<This.cPassTable>> WHERE <<This.cWhichKey>> = ") + ;
>            .VFP2SQL(iif(.cWhichKey = 'SWIPE_NO', tcPassNo, tnPassNo))
>         lcSQLReturn = .mysqlexec(lcSQL, .cPassTable, program(), .t.)
>         if !lcSQLReturn == 'OK'
>            lcRetVal = '400-' + lcSQLReturn
>            .write_log(lcRetVal, program(), 'E')
>            .write_log('Returning: ' + lcRetVal, program(), '2')
>            return lcRetVal          && calling prog does NOT expect .RetValToSTR()
>         endif
>         select (.cPassTable)
>         && transform *sometimes* uses so many decimal places on doubles that it returns stars
>         if vartype(evaluate(.cWhichKey)) = 'C'
>            lcVal1 = alltrim(tcPassNo)
>            lcVal2 = alltrim(evaluate(.cWhichKey))
>         else
>            lcVal1 = alltrim(str(tnPassNo,16,0))
>            lcVal2 = alltrim(str(evaluate(.cWhichKey),16,0))
>         endif
>         if not lcVal1 == lcVal2
>            lcRetVal = '311-There Is No Record For ' + .cWhichKey + ' ' + ;
>               tcPrefix + lcVal1 + ' In Table ' + .cPassTable
>            .write_log(lcRetVal, program(), '3')
>            .write_log('Returning: '+lcRetVal, program(), '2')
>            return lcRetVal          && calling prog does NOT expect .RetValToSTR()
>         endif
>         .nOriginalPass = pass_no         && valparent and val multiple passes can change
>         if type("guest_no") = 'N'        && use type(), not vartype checking for fields existing!
>            .nOriginalGuest = guest_no
>         else
>            .nOriginalGuest = 0
>         endif
>         && STEP 4 - If this pass is associated with a guest, get that info ready and save
>         && that table name for future use (note: validate parent and cascading validations
>         && can use this info.  It's also used to return the guest name)
>         if .nOriginalGuest <> 0 && !empty(.cInfoTable)  && find parent information
>            lcSQLReturn = .mysqlexec("select guest_no, parent_no, first_name, last_name, e_message from " + .cInfoTable + ;
>               " where guest_no=" + .VFP2SQL(.nOriginalGuest), .cInfoTable, program(), .t.)
>            if !lcSQLReturn == 'OK'
>               lcRetVal = '400-' + lcSQLReturn
>               .write_log(lcRetVal, program(), 'E')
>               .write_log('Returning: ' + lcRetVal, program(), '2')
>               return lcRetVal          && calling prog does NOT expect .RetValToSTR()
>            endif
>         endif
>So, I decided to create a new class for the above and here is what I've done so far (not much):
>public class PassInfo : MiddlewareBase
>    {
>        /// <summary>
>        /// PassInfo Constructor
>        /// </summary>
>        /// <param name="databaseParam"></param>
>        public PassInfo(Database databaseParam)
>        {
>            database = databaseParam;
>        }
>        public Decimal PassNo { get; set; }
>        public String PassTable { get; private set; }
>        public String WhichKey { get; private set; }
>        public String InfoTable { get; private set; }
>        /// <summary>
>        /// Sets pass table and WhichKey based on the prefix
>        /// </summary>
>        /// <param name="prefix"></param>
>        /// <param name="messageText"></param>
>        /// <param name="statusCode"></param>
>        public Boolean SetPassTable(String prefix, ref String messageText, ref Int32 statusCode, String whichKey = "")
>        {
>            SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand();
>            sqlCommand.CommandText = @"select pass_table, whichkey, info_table
>        from dbo.prefix
>        where prefix=@prefix;";
>            sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
>            sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@prefix", SqlDbType.Char, 1).Value = prefix;
>            DataSet dsPrefix;
>            if (database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sqlCommand, out dsPrefix, ref messageText, ref statusCode))
>            {
>                foreach (DataRow row in dsPrefix.Tables[0].Rows)
>                {
>                    PassTable = row["pass_table"].ToString().Trim();
>                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(whichKey))
>                        WhichKey = whichKey;
>                    else
>                        WhichKey = row["whichkey"].ToString().Trim();
>                    InfoTable = row["info_table"].ToString().Trim();
>                }
>                if ((0 == dsPrefix.Tables[0].Rows.Count) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(PassTable))
>                {
>                    statusCode = 300;
>                    messageText = "No Table Associated With " + prefix + " In The PREFIX Table";
>                    return false;
>                }
>                else
>                {
>                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(WhichKey))
>                        WhichKey = "pass_no";
>                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(InfoTable))
>                    {
>                        if ("access" == PassTable.ToLower())
>                            InfoTable = "access";
>                        else
>                            InfoTable = "guests";
>                    }
>                }
>                return true;
>            }
>            else
>                return false;
>        }
>        /// <summary>
>        /// Constructs SQL Command for the passTable and WhichKey
>        /// </summary>
>        /// <param name="passNo"></param>
>        /// <param name="cPassNo"></param>
>        /// <param name="tcDCI"></param>
>        /// <returns></returns>
>        public SqlCommand GetPassSqlCommand(Decimal passNo, String cPassNo, String tcDCI = "")
>        {
>            SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand();
>            if ("swipe_no" == WhichKey.ToLower())
>                sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@value", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = cPassNo;
>            else
>                sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@value", SqlDbType.Decimal).Value = passNo;
>            sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
>            StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder("where ");
>            whereClause.Append(WhichKey);
>            whereClause.Append("= @value");
>            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tcDCI))
>            {
>                tcDCI = tcDCI.PadRight(30);
>                String department = tcDCI.Substring(0, 10);
>                String category = tcDCI.Substring(10, 10);
>                String item = tcDCI.Substring(20, 10);
>                whereClause.Append(" and department = @department and category = @category and item = @item");
>                sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@department", SqlDbType.Char, 10).Value = department;
>                sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@category", SqlDbType.Char, 10).Value = category;
>                sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@item", SqlDbType.Char, 10).Value = item;
>            }
>            sqlCommand.CommandText = String.Format("select *, '{0}' as passtable {1} from dbo.{0}{1} {2}", PassTable, Environment.NewLine, whereClause.ToString());
>            return sqlCommand;
>        }       
>    }
>This is what I am thinking - I will create a few new properties such as PassRow, TemplateRow, etc. I will also create a few methods that will basically execute a sql command and set the respective properties. So, in the calling procedure I can see which DataRows I will need, so I will only execute needed methods.
>Do you think I am going in the right direction with these thoughts and this is how I should proceed here?

Sleep on it - you'll have an answer in the morning - or the day after

And try reading some books - in advance - that takes the pressure off

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