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How to ask to get someone else assigned
05/03/2013 12:55:49
Information générale
Visual FoxPro
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Visual FoxPro:
Windows 7
Windows 2003 Server
MS SQL Server
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>>I maybe wrong, but I think what you would really like is to go back to your C# project and I guess that's a bit short as an explanation for your manager.
>>In such a situation, I would present my manager with an action plan, tell her that you don't know how much time it is going to take to fix this, that you need time to analyse the problem. You convey to her that only after you study you will be able to present her with the approach you are going to apply, repair, or re-engineer, coming up with an alternate solution.
>>Once your manager is confronted with that, she will have to consider her own cost/benefit situation. With a little luck, she might just return the project to the client. She might also re-negotiate or even extend the contract including other functionalities, who knows, rewrite the whole thing in c#. :)
>>My 2 Eurocents.
>For now I released what I have and the tester is going to test and let us know everything she finds. I know one problem which I've been unable to fix so far. My suspicion is that this problem is related to GridHitTest and using ActivateCell method by saving the relative row and column first. I am thinking that it may not work 100% reliable with that current implementation.
>I may embrace the idea of trying to switch to direct double click of the cell handling instead of using that ClickContainer as we have right now. Since there is a lot of code involved, I am a bit reluctant to take the plunge yet.
>In C# I completed one class (ahead of two other programmers who still struggle with theirs), but I do need to write one little function to make it 100% complete and be able to move to the next. Unfortunately, that function seems to be also tricky and it's recursive and uses a variable defined in the caller.
>Just to let you know what I am talking about, here is that function VFP implementation:
>      * Caution! Recursive function.
>   protected procedure XmlDisp(x as string, nLev as integer, lcC as Boolean )   as void
>      local cTagName, cContents, mterm
>      * This function expects lcResult to be initialised prior to making this call
>      do while .t.
>         cTagName = strextract(x,"<",">")
>         if len(cTagName) = 0   && no tag found
>            && print out raw string as contents
>            if lcC
>               * Credit card security
>               lnCClen = len(x)
>               x = padl(right(x,4),lnCClen,'X')
>            endif
>            lcResult = lcResult + x
>            exit
>         endif
>         if right(cTagName,1) = '/'   && like "<region/>"
>            cTagName = left(cTagName, len(cTagName)-1)
>            cContents=""
>            mterm = "<"+cTagName+"/>"   && "<region/>"
>         else
>            mterm = "</"+cTagName+">"   && "</region>"
>            cContents = strextract(x,"<"+cTagName+">", mterm,1,2)
>         endif
>         if !empty(cContents) && Get rid of empty fields
>            do case
>               case (chrtran(cContents, '1234567890.-', '') == '' and val(cContents) = 0)
>                  * skip numeric fields that are zero
>               case upper(left(cContents,5)) = "FALSE"
>                  * skip logic fields that are false
>               otherwise
>                  lcResult= lcResult+ chr(13)+chr(10)+replicate(" ",nLev)+padr(cTagName+":",15)
>                  .XmlDisp(cContents, nLev+1, upper(cTagName)='CC_SWIPE')
>            endcase
>         endif
>         x = strextract(x, mterm)   && get the rest of the xml
>      enddo
>      endproc
Since this appears to be manipulating XML my first inclination would be to forget attempting to convert this directly to C#. If you understand the desired outcome it would almost certainly be far easier to do using one of the .NET xml libraries

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