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RIP: Hugo Chavez
06/03/2013 04:54:11
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>>>>Very sad news. He brought together Latin America in a way no other leader had. The alliances being forged at the end of the 2000s were unprecedented, and a real threat to western imperialist aggression.
>>>>There's a good movie to watch on Netflix:
>>>>South of the Border
>>>>Another good one on Netflix:
>>>>Real eye-openers if all you ever hear/see is mainstream media.
>>>You are kidding right? Sad loss? Now I know you're a lunatic.
>>Do you think Chaves is a evil or it's strange a conservative man like R.Hodgin like Chavez?
>Don't expect nuanced foreign policy judgement from the US right. You're better off thinking of them as a small child. They either really like you or really hate you and there is nothing in between. Because (like Castro) Chavez chose not to run his country for the benefit of US business etc he is hated.

The deeds of Hugo Chevez are a mixed bag.

We all know that the United States has never done anything wrong in its entire history! That is how we historically got Hawaii, Cuba, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam, The Virgin Islands, Northern Marianas, American Samoa, Panama Canal and a few assorted Islands.

Our attitude of “Peace Through War”, has been displayed for many years.

Since 2005 Venezuela (through the actions of Hugo Chevez) has given free heating oil to the poor of the United States. We realize that "Real Americans" are disgusted by such actions.

We all know that poor Americans deserve nothing! That is what “Real Americans” think and feel. If you are an American, poor and cold, then freeze to death! Two million Americans have benefited from Chevez and his free heating oil. We do not need these people in our great nation. They should be eliminated by any means possible.

The Monroe Doctrine demands that the United States take possession of all the Americas, through any act it sees fit. If anyone in a nation to our south should elect a president, and he is not of our liking, we should have him eliminated as quickly as possible. The people of South America have no right electing a president not of our choosing.

We believe in democracy for all, but it must be on our terms and by our definition. If you think otherwise your are a (use the proper term currently in vogue) communist, terrorist, etc.

As for our own citizens, they had better fall in line or else! Take the Sedition Act of 1918 as an example. If you dared to suggest that World War I be funded out of taxes rather than by bonds, you could be imprisoned for from 5-20 years. I remember the list of names I studied in college of those who went to jail for such a horrendous crime.

Today we fund our wars out of thin air, thus negating any financial responsibility and the consequences of anything like the Sedition Act of 1918.

There was a popular term in the early 1960’s – “The Ugly American”. Many Americans (as they like to call themselves) have no clue of reality. They are ignorant and self serving. “Conquer the world so we can enjoy our way of life”! If everyone is like us then we will have no problems. If someone does not agree with you, condemn them, eliminate them, or have them locked up. They have no right to be in our great nation. We are “Real Americans”. We can do no wrong!

The goal of our great nation is to issue a credit card to every citizen of the Earth. Wall Street and our Banks want your soul!

Other than that, we are enjoying a bit of rain in the San Francisco Bay Area. :)

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