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(Continued) Re: Copyright trolls of Prenda Law - looking
13/03/2013 19:03:27
13/03/2013 18:57:37
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>Surely that's an argument to give up worldly cares and spend your time contemplating
>Jesus until the great day comes?


>Frankly IMHO that would be foolish if you believe that God knows we are imperfect and
>surely put us on this imperfect world to learn and grow.

Things here are imperfect because of sin, and sin alone. Jesus restores all things.

>>>This is a completely untrue statement without qualifiers. It needs things like: "When
>>>you look to the way the world is today, then..." or "When we continue to live under
>>>the yolk of slavery to self, then..." et cetera.
>We need to be real, Rick. The realities we face are the ones to which we must respond.

The "realities" exist because of men's sin. There is a way out of every room. You walk out the door. This is the way out (follow Jesus and His teachings, the example of the early church -- they had all things in common with one another, and God provided for them continually).

>"If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"- except that if we didn't need money there
>would be no beggars. Or horses, most likely. ;-)

We don't need money. We need to help each other. None of us can do it alone. And God made us this community of man, giving to each person their unique and special talents, and them put them in the place they were born, so that they would become an integral part of that community performing their role.

There are no accidents. Things are this way. The only reason we don't do it this way today is because of man's sin. Man chooses to not follow God, and to follow every other voice, draw and pull, and we have the world we have today.

When men turn back to God, He will move mountains in this world for those who follow Him from their heart.

>>>The civilization we will have without money is a literal paradise because we've stopped
>>>looking to needs, stopped looking to self, and started looking to God. And because of who
>>>He is, He will provide everything correctly for us continually and without measure.
>>>A glorious future.
>Meantime there are good deeds to be done as well as kids to feed.

The Lord provided manna in the wilderness 40 years. He causes the rains to come, the crops to grow, He is the giver of life. We need not fear anything when we trust in The Lord. His Spirit will lead us to fulfill everything that is needful of our bodies, and our spiritual growth toward Him and His Son.

God is not inept or incapable. It is sin that separates us from His perfection. Jesus removes that barrier and allows us to again turn to God and be led by His Holy Spirit.

This is not a trifle. This is a very, very real thing for men made possible through Christ.

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