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(Continued) Re: Copyright trolls of Prenda Law - looking
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>>Looking forward to that world. In much prayer. :-)
>As I recall you just put a post out here a week ago saying you were convinced that the
>world was coming to an end (within your child's lifetime) - so I see that the typical
>hypocritical bible-thumping practice of making up whatever you need to in order to
>fit your current argument (even if it voids a previous statement or belief) is not lost
>on you.

Ah, Victor ... you misunderstand because you do not know God's written word.

The Lord is returning. This world under sin will come to an end. But it is not the end of all. There will be a 1,000 year reign of peace by Jesus Himself. The source of all life will here. Everything will be as it should be. The lion will lay down with the lamb.

That is the world I am looking forward to.

>>The civilization we will have without money is a literal paradise because we've stopped
>>looking to needs, stopped looking to self, and started looking to God. And because of
>>who He is, He will provide everything correctly for us continually and without measure.
>>A glorious future.
>Hmmm...well the current track record for creation of such utopian societies is utter failure.
>Even almost all of the hippie communes are gone - and the few that survive require money
>to function - even the farm in TN. http://www.thefarmcommunity.com/index.html

I'm not looking for a hippie commune. I'm looking to serve my Lord, Jesus Christ, with the fulness of my being. I can do this alone, but the changes I'm talking about will not come about by my actions alone. They will come when God's Spirit draws men to pursue also these things I'm talking about, and not because of me, but because of God Himself drawing them from the inside out to fulfill their part in this assemblage being made upon this Earth.

God is preparing for His return. It is written in the end times God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh. Sons and daughters will prophesy. Young men will see visions. Old men will dream dreams.

This time is coming.

>As for the bible-thumpers attempts at such a society - well I guess things didn't work out
>too well for Jim Jones and all of his followers did it?

Each of us is called by God to do our part. We answer Him, or not. But God's plans are God's plans. They will not fail. He has foretold to us what will happen in the end-times. Nation will rise against nation, there will be death and destruction, disease and famine, earthquakes in diverse places, and much more. These things will continue to get worse and worse until the very end when there has never been a time so bad as what is coming upon this Earth. No time before, and no time again, has/will ever be like it. At one point the believers will be killed in great numbers. Power will be given to the dark forces to seek out and kill Christians. The end times are not going to be the holy and wonderful utopia I am in pursuit of. God has declared it to be otherwise.

The paradise I am in pursuit of is from the inward man acting in this world, in service to God, in preparation for what will come.

I will do my best to live as God calls us to live in eternity, yet here upon the Earth, being prayerfully as He intended for us to live from the beginning (in love to Him, to one another, for Him). He gives believers peace, joy, and fulfillment in their hearts so that even when the dark forces of this world surround and harm those who truly believe in and follow Jesus, in our hearts we have been prepared since that day we accepted and received Him, that day He called out to us and we heard Him, so that when our time comes we will say, "Lord, I did my best upon the Earth to live as you asked," and it will be the truth.

>And dude look at what you're saying here - suggesting that a place where people stop
>looking at needs and themselves will somehow create some sort of paradise makes no
>sense to any rational person whatsoever.

There is something a born again believer has that the natural man does not. Being a "born again" Christian is not a trickery of words. It is a state of being born not only of the flesh, but also of the Spirit.

When a believer is a born again believer (of the Spirit), he no longer has only his reasoning mind to muddle through this world. He now can discern matters of the Spirit. And, like something we can understand from the movie The Matrix, where all the people in the matrix believe they're living a particular life, the Spirit allows men to see the truth of eternity, the truth of men's sinful state, as the blindness is removed, and the ears are now finally able to hear again...

What God calls men to do cannot be understood in the flesh. But in the Spirit, God calls men who are His, and they respond.

Blessings, Victor. :-) And peace.

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