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(Continued) Re: Copyright trolls of Prenda Law - looking
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>>>Ah, Victor ... you misunderstand because you do not know God's written word.
>>Excuse me - but are you suggesting that I have not read the bible?
>There is a very clear portrayal of what will happen in the end times -- the world we have will end, and the reign of Christ will begin for 1,000 years.

Ya so what? So does a bunch of Spielburg movies. There is a clear portrayal of what will happen in the end times is also in 500,000 other books, and pretty much every religion has a doomsday scenario. Doesn't make any one of them more true than the other. Saying "well....but but but jesus...but but but god" is an ignorant way to argue this Rick:

I think it's time you learn about something called "fallacies".

A fallacy is incorrect argument in logic and rhetoric resulting in a lack of validity, or more generally, a lack of soundness. Fallacies are either formal fallacies or informal fallacies.

Now I can go into great detail on each of these - and perhaps if your head is not stuck in sand or nose stuck in same old bible you can learn about these. They are: Formal fallacies, Propositional fallacies, Quantification fallacies, Formal syllogistic fallacies, Informal fallacies, Faulty generalizations, Red herring fallacies, and Conditional or questionable fallacies.

Now thus far every religions bible-thumping argument you've postured here has been riddled with these fallacies. You seem like an otherwise pretty smart chap so hopefully you'll take a little time to learn a few of these things.

>Your comment earlier about me picking a position to suit my paragraph ... I don't see how you would come to that position if you understood what you had read.

Well of course you dont get it - that's because you've carefully censored out what you said before in a sad attempt to bolster the bogus appearance that you're right. Let me refresh your memory...you said this:

"...The world that was meant to be is returning soon. It is the world of every man looking out for his fellow man, seeking to better other people ...." - which of course is in direct contract to what you said last week about the world coming to an end.

>> I've read the entire thing (several versions of it actually) more than once - and
>> I suspect my knowledge of whats in it surpasses yours.
>Do you believe any of it?

There might be some factual things in there - some of the people in the stories actually did exist at least..- I'd say its safe to believe about as much as one could expect from any book that's been translated from a translated translation over a period of 2,000+ years. And by the way the King James version was a translation of a translation that was not translated from the originals - soooo...needless to say it's impossible for a great amount of things not to of been lost in translation.

>>>The Lord is returning. This world under sin will come to an end. But it is not
>>>the end of all. There will be a 1,000 year reign of peace by Jesus Himself.
>>>The source of all life will here. Everything will be as it should be. The lion will
>>>lay down with the lamb.
>>>That is the world I am looking forward to.
>>Yes that is one of the wacko beliefs out there...hahahaha. Oh the sky is falling
>>the sky is falling aaaahhh!
>Verses 10-14: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Peter+2&version=KJV
>Verses 3+: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Peter+3&version=KJV
>There is no mystery here. Not only has God foretold His return, but He has written it in the heart of every man so that no man is without that knowledge.

Quoting scriptures does not turn them into facts Rick. Why don't you just spew some Greek mythology too? Maybe if you say it enough times you can convince yourself that the god of Venus is coming to rescue you. There is no more factual bases for you thinking some magical being called god exists than a magical being named Venus existing. You keep confusing faith with facts and science...damn it's like talking to a brick wall.

>>>Young men will see visions. Old men will dream dreams.
>>You're SURE you're not talking about hippie communes? Visions and
>>dreams and such? sounds like too much LSD man.
>Verses 28+: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Joel+2&version=KJV
>Verses 17-21: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts+2&version=KJV
>>>What God calls men to do cannot be understood in the flesh. But in the
>>>Spirit, God calls men who are His, and they respond.
>>So in your mind the expectation is to void all reasonable thinking and logic and
>>science and base everything on....
>Through faith, I base everything on God's Holy Spirit working through men, having written down those things which are expedient to our salvation, and in preparation for His return.

Though faith? Do you still not understand that this is nothing to brag about? All you doing is saying you've made up something to explain something you can't understand- then claiming it's facts. AGAIN - FAITH IS NOT FACTS....damn!

>Jesus complete everything at the cross. And 40 days later God's Holy Spirit was given to men at Pentecost that they might now discern the things of God and operate in matters of the Spirit.
>Those who are born again will have this calling and understanding upon their lives. Everybody else will not. The Bible is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, for it is Spirit speaking to that Spirit on the inside of men given by God. It does this exceedingly beyond mere words on a page, for it is the living Word of Christ in us that is brought forth in Spirit because of what He did.
>We know these things and walk in faith because of who He is, because of what He's done, and because of His calling upon our lives.

Yaaawn. Again your magical god is going to come wipe out the world (except for maybe you) and blah blah blah. Grow up dude. By the way there is no tooth fairy either.

>>>Blessings, Victor. :-) And peace.
>>yeah you can keep your 'blessings' ... but I'm down with the peace. -
>>so peace to ya too.
>Thank you, Victor. The Lord knocks at your heart. You hear Him. Answer.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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