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Happy 4th Birthday Bull & Thank You Mr. Bernanke!
14/03/2013 12:27:07
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>I have no concrete prediction as to a further upward percentage as I lie firmly in the money-pumping is good for equities camp. My general prediction is that equities will continue to rise so long as rates are held near zero and QEx continues. I can read the tea leaves once they fall but I do not presume to be in the mind of the policymakers, thus I cannot predict "when" they will change course. I am letting my equity portfolio run yet I stand ready to liquify at a moment's notice.
>My tip : Don't fight the FED. ;)
>Note : I'm still haven't decided my post-liquification move. On the one hand tightening should see a rise in USD value thus cash could be king, however, the risk of inflationary pressure suggests solid assets are the better repository. Thoughts?

Took a bit of reflecting and talking with others, but my basic position is unchanged:
current money supply is too high. Over here in germany we are building a housing bubble at the moment:
I am looking for opportunities (auctions mostly) but there are too many others most of the time,
so probably not a real chance to acquire at steal prices.
Trying to get permits to add floors or rooms in new roof in existing property should still give
a nice return while keeping money partially safe from inflation, as the ground is already in possession.
Stupid energy saving and neighbour rules make this an obstacle course at the moment.
Looking to buy agricultural or forest property as well - green movement made local produce interesting again and
there is a trend away from big combines to smaller growers with partial direct sales - some of them are looking to
grow more without investing too much own capital. Again mostly anti-inflationary and risk spreading, not high return.

As the spread between interest given on bonds and loan interest has grown a bit trying to bolster the banks
to force them to buy more gov debt also looking into financing single property mortages where remaning debt
is less than 50% - even if property value takes a nose dive and owner crumbles losses should be less than on gov bonds,
which are not really safe long term in germany if Italy or France gets in trouble while paying nearly sometimes negative interest.
Similarly low 5digit commercial loans if backed by security, as those rates are ludicrous and often oversecured as well.
Going after the bank small fry cash cows

Very long term:
US stocks look better as more energy is raised over there -
but still favoring BRIC, but only after a nice backlash of more than 20%.
Watching SA, as I get some first hand info from there as well.

Currency Renmimbi very long term and diversify - even if Iive in germany totally going € would be stooopid.

my 0.001 Bitcoin


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