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(Continued) Re: Copyright trolls of Prenda Law - looking
14/03/2013 20:44:33
14/03/2013 20:28:12
Luis Navas
Independent Consultant
Auckland, New Zealand
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>>There is one God. He is God is The Father, God The Son, God The Holy Spirit.
>>He is God. We are also as He is, Victor. We have a soul, a body, and if we are
>>born again, we have spirit.
>Is this god the same as Ala?


>or other gods from other beliefs?


>what makes your god more valid than the others? Believers of other religions
>also have "faith" in their god?

No religion has Jesus dying for men's sins, except Christianity. We cannot do it ourselves. There is no degree of personal attainment that we can reach that cleanses us of sin. Judaism and Christianity alone teach that we are filthy (the Bible uses the word for "pitch" as in "pitch black" (the tar stuff) to describe sin upon us) in sin, and that there is no recourse for us -- that we are dead in sin. Even the Jews wait for a coming Messiah (they were blinded and could not see Jesus when He came as the Messiah) to redeem them.

The only way to be set free from sin is to have our sins migrated away from us. If you liken it to a court case, we are guilty. We will have to pay our fine. The only way we can not pay our fine and still be in concordance with the law, is if someone else pays our fine for us. And with regards to sin, our fine is of such a kind that there is only one way it can be paid: Someone else without sin must choose to pay it.

And that is what Jesus did. He came to this Earth born as a man so that He could be under our laws, live a perfect life (never committing a single sin ever), and then voluntarily choose to die. Since He knew no sin, He did not have to die. Death ONLY came to the world because of sin. And because He did not have to die, when He chose to die, He could take on the entirety of sin at one time. The sins I have committed, the sins you have committed, the sins everybody who ever lived committed were moved, by an act of God, from our "balance sheet" onto the "balance sheet" of Jesus. And then He died. He put sin to death in His body at the cross, and paid the punishment of death in Hell.

Christianity alone teaches this about God, about us, about the paths we have before us ... one leading to Hell, the other to Heaven, and the only difference in our destination is the humbling of our hearts, the humility we come to when we recognize that we are filthy in sin and beyond redemption, save an act by a perfect, sinless man, something only possible by God Himself. And God had this all planned out before He created the Earth. He knew. And He was willing.

Every other religion is about some form of personal achievement. Christianity teaches that we cannot achieve it. That it is a free gift from God, open to all who will receive it.

Christianity also goes into great detail about the nature of our enemy. Why there is death in the world. Why there is war. Why men commit such heinous acts. Why we have powers that are enslaving nations (Federal Reserve, International Monetary Fund), so that we pay this private group of bankers the fruits of our labors for months each year.

The enemy we face is an enemy of God. He is using every method at his disposal, fair and unfair, to keep our eyes away from God, to keep our focus from being on the things which can save us, which are true, which fill us as we pursue God in a right relationship with Him.

Sin is real. Heaven is real. Hell is real. The enemy is real. God is real. Jesus is real, and was necessary because of man's sin. Our future appointment with death is certain (all will die). Where we go when we get there depends upon what we choose to believe in here. Either we believe in our selves, we choose to follow our own paths, or we believe in God and accept our state, accept the truth, accept the free gift, and enter into eternity with God.

Christianity teaches us about love. The love of God. The love of Jesus. The love each of us can have when His Holy Spirit comes to us and replaces the anger, the hate, the influences of the forces of sin, and of the enemy of God at work through our sin upon this Earth.

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