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(Continued) Re: Copyright trolls of Prenda Law - looking
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>>A few minutes ago you were convinced that according to your religion you
>>were under the impression that Jesus was considered a God.
>Jesus is not considered "a God." He is God Almighty: THE God.
>>I notice that despite all the dribbling in this last post you carefully omitted that
>>you were incorrect in that assessment.
>Yes. There is a reason for that. :-)

Well then what the hell is the reason? Are you still trying to tell me that your Christian religion considers Jesus god? Because I just gave you about 2 dozen scriptures from the bible you hold so dearly where it explicitly says that is not the case (which, of course you've censored here).

>Victor ... God is calling out to you. Answer Him. Read the book of John, and then James. If you seek to know the truth, you will find it.

I've read them a BUNCH of times already - I thought that would be obvious by now... - I have sought the truth and can tell the truth from a lie (in this case).

I assume you did not comment AND omitted the key parts of my previous post because now I've now provided you with physical evidence that your religion is a sham. I'm sure it must be difficult to accept, but denying the reality of these things means that you're becoming a victim of the brainwashing practices used by these...at best uninformed..at worst unscrupulous...leaders of your church or whoever has tricked you into believing such nonsense...not only is it nonsense it's plagiarized nonsense.

I find it ironic that you tell me "If you seek to know the truth, you will find it." seeing how I've put the truth WITH PHYSICAL EVIDENCE right in front of your face, yet you've decided to completely ignore it! I think one of the differences between us is that I actually seek the truth, while you simply accept what's written in one book as the truth and then look nowhere else to back it up with any actual items of physical evidence that can be proven. Saying "oooh I feeeeeeel the loooord haaaliluuuya" is not evidence, despite what your brainwashers have taught you.

...from previous post that you censored....

Ever heard of the Egyptian Book of The Dead which described a god called "Horus" ? (Written around 1280 B.C.) Horus was the son of Osiris, born of a virgin mother, he was baptized in a river by Anup The Baptizer, who was later beheaded (like john the baptist). Like Jesus, Horus was tempted while traveling through the desert, he healed the sick, the blind, cast out demons, and according to the Egyptian writings also walked on water. he raised Asar from the dead, and low and behold... Asar translates to Lazarus (Lazarus is one of the 3 people Jesus supposedly raised from the dead). Oh yeah and he also had 12 disciples, and yes Horus was crucified and three days later two women announced that Horus "the savior of humanity" had been resurrected...

Ok now coooome on dude! One or two coincidences in different religions are understandable.. but this. this is a clear case of plagiarism! Just face it.... Christianity is a rip off of an ancient Egyptian religion (with some parts stolen from a few others - and if you want me to I'd be happy to start going into some of those as well), and re edited to whatever man thought would be best at the time. Don't believe everything you read....especially not a book that says a pregnant woman was a virgin.


>Blessings, my friend.

Peace buddy.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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