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(Continued) Re: Copyright trolls of Prenda Law - looking
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So to be 100% clear here:

1. You believe that your Christian religion thinks Jesus is God. (despite all the evidence to the contrary which I've provided from your own bible)
2. You think the earth is 6,000 years old. (Despite what every single scie...oh hell never mind)
3. You refuse to comment AND censor anything I've said proving, with physical evidence, beyond any doubt, that Christianity is a plagiarized version of Egyptian Book of The Dead which described a god called "Horus" written around 1280 b.c.
4. You believe your loving god will send innocent babies to burn in hell forever because they're unable to accept Jesus.
5. You don't think Jesus and Religion go together.
6. You believe the world will end within your child's lifetime.
7. You believe that magic apples, talking snakes exist, virgins can have babies (without using science of course), and that someone can walk on water and raise the dead.
9. You believe that evolution is not true and did not happen (despite all the evid..oh geeze forget it)
10. You believe that you have not been brainwashed.

Is this a correct assessment? Needless to say #3 interests me the most, although #10 will be interesting if you say YES to 1-9.

Now Rick - these are very very very very simple YES and NO questions...although I'd entertain your comments for #3.

Obviously at the moment I'm sure you must feel somewhat conflicted as a result of #3 - but your refusal to talk about it and the fact that you have now censored it from your responses not once, but twice (perhaps three times if I don't see this in the response to this post) is somewhat troubling. For someone that is as smart as you are I'm shocked that you've elected to stick your head in the sand and ignore knowledge and deprive yourself of the chance to learn more things. Heck I learned a lot about inner peace by studying Buddhism..."Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared...". Why would you elect to deny yourself of such inspiration for a fairy tale? Take the good parts out of each one and build your own moral your own inner peace. Doing it out of fear of eternal hell is in itself a conflict..and according to your religion, you can't have a heaven without a hell - thus the treat is always there and you end up forced and/or tricked into having to believe something that can not possibly be true. So now you've been forced to believe something that is not true, yet this same structure is designed to make you a better person? Ok it might indeed make you a better person, but not necessarily a happier person, and I don't see how that is going to give you any benefits towards inner peace.
People have been coming up with ways of how to co-exist for 1,000's of years. More years than your religion thinks the world has been here as matter of fact. There is religion, there is philosophy, there is science and physics. Be a real man and garnish the best out of all them and skip all the bullshit.

Peace, to ya Rick..

>>>>I notice that despite all the dribbling in this last post you carefully omitted that
>>>>you were incorrect in that assessment.
>>>Yes. There is a reason for that. :-)

>>Are you still trying to tell me that your Christian religion considers Jesus god?
>Yes. Incontrovertibly, Victor. Without any question at all. Jesus is God. Period and paragraph.
>>Because I just gave you about 2 dozen scriptures from the bible you hold so
>>dearly where it explicitly says that is not the case (which, of course you've
>>censored here).
>You do not understand what you are posting when you post those scriptures. You are looking at their meaning through limited eyes. As such, there is nothing I can say to convince you otherwise (because you are falsely convinced that you are correct).
>God will have to reveal it to you.
>>I've read them a BUNCH of times already - I thought that would be obvious by
>>now... - I have sought the truth and can tell the truth from a lie (in this case).
>2 Thessalonians 2:10-12, KJV, "10b...because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
>11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
>12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
>A warning to you, Victor: calling the truth a lie is an eternal affair.
>>I assume...
>If you seek the truth, Victor, you will find it, when you seek it with all your heart. Until then, you will be caught up in a whirlwind of lies and deceit, never knowing it, never finding the truth ... until you die and stand before God, at which time you will be stripped clean of all falseness and will know without facades the truth of your life.
>I pray The Lord calls you to Him, and that you seek the truth and stop pursuing the lies of this world because all of them are going down to the pit when Jesus returns.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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