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(Continued) Re: Copyright trolls of Prenda Law - looking
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>So paraphrase the answer...ummm...oh yes there wasn't an answer to the question.

I have answered your question. But until God gives you the ability to understand the answer, it will appear forever to be utter gibberish or utter nonsense to you.

>Dude there is simply NO WAY you can't see how absurd all this is.

I used to believe as you do. Had almost exactly the same arguments. I was wrong. And you are too.

There is a component to man's existence of which he is unaware (because it's not there). It's like the blind man from birth, not knowing what it's like to see. He lives, yet he does not know what he is missing because he's never experienced it. Trying to explain the color red to him, or how red differs from green ... it's beyond his ability to understand. Yet, he lives.

It is the same for spiritual matters.

Within the scope of the limited world in which the natural man (non born-again) operates, he can rise to achieve all manner of abilities, talents, successes, even full mastery over his domain. But it will be no different than the blind man mastering his dominion through touch or sound. There is still a component of his life that is missing that, were he to possess it (his sight), then he would not only exceed his former levels of mastery, but he would render that knowledge almost completely useless because he can now see the things he had to grapple for previously knowing them only by other means, such as touch or sound. With sight, the world appears very much different than without it.

It is the same for spiritual matters. And it is why God has given us these natural cues (which relate back to spiritual components) so that we might have a basis for comparison. The song Amazing Grace, "Was blind ... but now ... I see...." Not written by accident.

Once God opens someone's eyes to these Spiritual matters, once that man is born again and is able to understand what he could not possibly understand before no matter how much explaining or reasoning the man put into it, once the blindness has been removed, then it becomes clear. The things that would've been beyond impossible to understand or believe previously are now not only possible, but they are obvious. It is a miracle of God, this revival of the dead man into life, the spiritually dead man into spiritual life, the dead-in-eternity man into eternal life.

I pray The Lord opens your heart, mind (and "eyes") that you might come to know this, Victor. It is beyond amazing. Beyond anything I could've imagined. And it is this very thing the enemy is working diligently to prevent men from learning, and therefore being redeemed through Christ.

Seek the truth, seek to know the truth and not to rest upon pre-conceived ideas, or ideas taught by men, but seek to know the truth about whether or not they are really real or not ... and when you seek to know the truth truly (desiring honestly, wanting to know), then you will find it.

Peace. :-)

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