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(Continued) Re: Copyright trolls of Prenda Law - looking
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>>>>Ah, the whole P. K. Dick, the Hindu concept of maya, "is this the real life or is this just fantasy".
>>>You missed my favourite :)
>>Time to re-read the book... once I clean up the attic. I wouldn't read it in English, but I remember I read it once in Serbian. Hmmm... probably from the local library. Thanks for the refresh!
>No problem, I also need to re-read the book, now I am finishing "The Children of Hurin", a book that I love, it is the third time I am reading it, then I have one hold on the library for a book Mike Bean recommended, and then I probably will try again Borgen in English (I tried before, but never finished, just read my favorite stories), oh, just remembered someone gave me a book as a gift that I should read, I think is a re-tell of the Grimm brothers tales.

What was the one I recommended?

Re gift books, I can be on the cold blooded side. I always thank the gift-giver effusively, that's the way I was raised. It's nothing less than they deserve for their generosity. Feeling an obligation to read it all the way through, that's another story. I keep the same standard as I do with books I buy myself: give every book a chance. If it hasn't sunk its tentacles in within 100 pages, which I consider a fair trial (even John LeCarre, a famously slow starter, had you within 100 pages), off to the library it goes. Too many books, too little time. I have already recognized that I will not read every book I have intended to read and the worthy books yet to come. "A Remembrance of Things Past" may have been the tipping point. It is an acknowledged world classic, even though the narrator apparently does nothing more exhilarating than sit up in bed, eat another madeleine, and remember his past. I have had a fancy pants edition of the 3000 pages in their entirety and never have I made it far out of the starting gate. To the library, where hopefully a young reader will buy it for a dollar and get it more than I did.

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