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(Continued) Re: Interesting Take on Software Piracy
23/03/2013 13:42:13
23/03/2013 13:19:50
Thomas Ganss (Online)
Main Trend
Frankfurt, Germany
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"Donate" button. Then all things are gifts. You to everybody. Everybody to you. As it should be.

We do what is right for the sake of The Truth, and not for other reasons. We use our talents to serve others, to benefit and grow them, and we trust in God to provide for us.

By seeking Him rightly, the blessing He promises will be manifested unto us, as we use our unique and special gifts to benefit Him, by benefitting His creation (men). Giving. Loving. Caring. Sharing. Everybody looking to God first, others second, themselves last, relying upon God to provide and move in their lives, and in the lives of everyone.

These are right ways. They are to be our focus. Other ways result in this world we have. And we have the power to change the world because God's already made it possible. All we have to do is understand, and walk in it.

>>It does not exist truly. It is a fabricated concept including a harsh sounding word (piracy) designed to evoke sympathy and fear through emotion, demanding even justice and retribution... "Oh, your software's been pirated? That's awful! You should sue."
>agreed. Still:
>>What men really mean when they speak of "software piracy" are perceived or presumed losses against their monopoly. This is a strange, unnatural concept, and especially so in the realm of all things digital because literal, perfect replication to all is essentially zero cost (using the network and computer resources we're already paying for ... just in a new way due to an acquiring of the new content).
>>The reason we have men claiming allegations of "software piracy" is simple: because of personal greed, personal lust, of an inflated sense of self importance, of wanting to control rather than participate in, of wanting for self a greater personal return on their labor than that which they received while authoring it. And rather than continuing to work and produce using the skills God gave him to benefit as many people as possible through gifts of his knowledge, abilities and labor, all of which were gifts he first received himself, he cuts off that channel in favor of the one leading to "more for me, less for you."
>IMO your visualization of payment is too focused on a "pay by H" example. Esp. when creating nearly custom or branch specific SW how could some programs be written if not *planned* to be sold a couple of dozen times for a price a tiny fraction of development effort ? Why not allow the typical benefits of capitalism (not saying it is perfect...) in our business ? Not talking about patenting rounded edges seen dozen years ago on screen, but trying to sell the results of your own effort to as many customers at the price YOU consider worth while - allowing for you to get more or less than originally hpoed for as well as others others to compete by recreating your effort.

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