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(Continued2) Re: Interesting Take on Software Piracy
24/03/2013 05:46:37
Walter Meester
23/03/2013 14:01:49
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Rick, as an (catholic) agnost, I don't need the written words out of any religious book to live a humble life with decency, compassion and love. You don't need to live by the rules written down in a book, and worse intepretated by 3rd parties, for you to swallow without any criticism and self reflection.

nowerdays we are educated and raised in a way that we should all be able to live a life with the same rules and values in mind without having to live by the exact words that have been written down about 2000 years ago. Most of us don't need a god for that.

I appreciate your contributions here and respect your work in Visual FreePro, but please be aware that some people might get offended by you, because of the many bad things that have happend out of name of (your) religion. I hope you can respect the opinion of those others.

As for myself, I don't care. I've got no use for religion in my life, except for conforming to the values and rules that I have been told and learned throughout my life.

I don't care about your religion, and respect you as long as you don't force it down my throat. Please lets keep that in mind.


>>Rick, though I truly believe your stance has absolutely valid points, I absolutely don't agree with any relations to any holy book or religion.
>>Qouting parts of the bible here has absolutely no value as most people don't believe in whats written there or how you interpretate it. In stead you throw people off. So let us have the discussion outside the scope of any religion please?
>God is inseparable from anything that is right because everything that is right has come from God. There is a misunderstanding being taught in this world that a person can be moral or ethical aside from God, when the truth is if there be any propensity toward morals or ethics or goodness in any form ... these came from God in the first place, for He gave us our conscience and wrote upon our hearts right and wrong, having divided right from wrong in the beginning.
>It is only through sin that man is able to believe otherwise. But a man's belief, or a quorum of men's beliefs, or the entirety of man believing something contrary to the teachings of God does not change anything: God's ways are Right. Always and only. No matter what man says to the contrary.
>It is about God in all things. First, foremost, and throughout all.
>>When I was a kid I copied a lot of MSX games illigally for my own use. Would i have bought the games if I could not get them in an illegal way? Absolutely not. Perhaps just a handfull out of the hundreds.
>>OTOH, as a software vendor, I'm making a living out of selling software. I don't like to see people just copying my software and causing potential clients t use it illegally. It does not have anything to do with greed, but I also just need to make a living right?
>>>>>Ah, yeah, the guy who insults us all by claiming we never had an original thought in our heads. Yeah, right.
>>>>I don't feel insulted, people can say whatever they like - I am not affected by what another says or thinks. However, I'm not sure he means you never had an original thought - I think he means that you are given an ability to think, or a skill to perform a task, and then its up to you how you use those skills. So you never originated/created your own skills but you might apply them in original ways. At least that's what I think he means.
>>>Continued from: Message ID:1569117
>>>I also state that God gives ideas to people (as well as their abilities). They are for His purposes, so that His will is accomplished. But they are those person's ideas, gifts from God to the person, original to them, unique in their application (when they are), but they still came from God.
>>>God is not hands off in our lives. He is not "watching us from a distance" as the popular song says. He is active and working continually to steer every one of us back to Him. Only those who don't want to hear Him wil reject Him. And only for those reasons. He's taken care of every other thing.

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