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15/04/2013 08:23:53
15/04/2013 08:17:55
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Some people are beyond repair

>Continuation of Message ID: 1570921
>There is sin. God told Adam and Eve not to eat the
>fruit of The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and evil.
>They disobeyed. That is sin.
>There was an enemy there enticing them. But ultimately,
>it was their choice. Their decision. And so sin
>was introduced into the world.
>All the wars. All the hate. All the harm. All the
>enslavement. All the deception. Everything evil.
>That one sin made it all possible for an enemy
>of God to sew continuous discord amongst all
>flesh, preying on feelings, emotions, thoughts,
>wants, wishes, and desires.
>The enemy has influence upon us through sin.
>He (Satan) encourages all manner of destructive
>behavior in men and women. He plants well
>thought out seeds to reap maximum harm.
>Jesus said Satan is a thief, a liar, and a murderer.
>That he comes for one reason: hatred of God.
>Everything evil in this world comes from sin.
>Simply, men cannot hear find the path of righteousness,
>nor follow the path of truth, unless they are willing
>to hear it, and unless they be born again (of the
>Until a man sets his life's purpose upon knowing
>the truth, he will, with all he does, fight God and
>do harm. It is ONLY God's Holy Spirit which guides
>correctly. And not one ounce of flesh can hear it
>or follow it unless it be brought under purposeful
>obedience by a man's will by following God's Holy
>Spirit. And such is not possible lest the man be
>born again (because the things of God are spiritually
>Jesus died on the cross voluntarily to take away
>our sin. Mine, yours, everybody. To simplify it,
>Jesus undid completely the work of His enemy.
>Jesus now holds the keys to death as well as
>eternity. And He offers eternity freely, and without
>reservation, for all those who will hear His voice
>(hear The Truth).
>Discord among men exists for one reason: sin.
>Men pursue matters of the flesh ALL of which lead
>to eternal death. God is spirit, and those willing to
>follow God's voice will do so in spirit and in truth.
>You will know them by their fruit.
> >You just proved Tore's point. This my
>>friends is why all religion is basically evil!
>>It does nothing but sow malcontent,
>>strive and "I'm better than you"
>>comparisons and misrepresentations.
>>Even when well intended as it clearly was
>>by Rick, it *still* has the same effect.
>>Same old story for the last 5000 years...
>>the more things change the more they
>>stay the same.

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