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MadFox: Madison WI FoxPro Users Group
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MadFox: Madison WI FoxPro Users Group
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MadFox: Madison WI FoxPro Users Group
General Meeting - Who Knows What? - Tuesday, April 16th, 2013 at 20h00
No set topic tonight, but the way it usually goes I'm sure we'll soon latch onto some topic and dive into it headfirst. Come on out and join the fun. We'll have the usual gang of Foxy and a couple of rarely seens. Maybe we'll even tune into the Online User Group - who knows what?! I'm sure it'll be a good time. Can you tell I'm tired?
General information
Web site:
Location:We usually meet at
Salty Dog Solutions World Headquarters
1308 Spring Street, Lower Office
Madison, WI

Free parking available on street or in alley to the side of building.
Sometimes we meet in alternative locations, so RSVP or join our mailing list to keep up-to-date.
City:Madison, Wisconsin
Pays:United States
User group history/membership rate/objectives
Since 1995!

Meetings are on the third Tuesday of each month in or near Madison, WI. Very informative yet casual, our meetings are free and open to everyone - beginner to pro. We talk about everything FoxPro and related technologies: Object-Oriented Programming, alternative Databases, Third Party Tools.

For more information, see our website or email
Créé par
Eric Selje, Salty Dog Solutions, LLC
Eric Selje, Salty Dog Solutions, LLC
Archive of meetings
Continuous Integration and VFP - Tuesday, October 15th, 2013 at 17h30
This session will focus on improving the Software Development Lifecycle for Visual FoxPro developers. We'll begin by reviewing the typical development cycle, and show ways to improve and automate our current process using a Continuous Integration server and open source tools from VFPX such as Automated Build, FoxUnit, and SubFox. By the end of this session, you should have a better idea of what Continuous Integration is and how you can implement it in your workflow regardless of whether you're a...
Console Apps in Visual FoxPro - Tuesday, August 20th, 2013 at 17h30
This month we'll have our usual Q&A and any demoes anyone wants to show, and then we'll have a discussion about how to create a command-line "Console" app in Visual FoxPro. It might seem trivial but ther are a few gotchas. Console apps are great for running scripts periodically, often when attached to a scheduled task. I became interested in creating one while trying to create a way to script FoxUnit tests in order to include them in an automated deployment (hint - SWFox Preview!) Hope to see ...
Participating in an Open Source Project (VFPX) - Tuesday, July 16th, 2013 at 17h30
This month we'll be going through the entire process of what it takes to participate in an open source project, using VFPX as our sample. We'll hook into the repository, download the source, make some changes, and submit the changes back up to the repository. We'll then take a look at what the project administrators see and how they test your changes before incorporating them into the main branch of the source code. We'll use FoxUnit as our example because a) it needs a few quick changes, and...
General Meeting - Who Knows What? - Tuesday, April 16th, 2013 at 20h00
No set topic tonight, but the way it usually goes I'm sure we'll soon latch onto some topic and dive into it headfirst. Come on out and join the fun. We'll have the usual gang of Foxy and a couple of rarely seens. Maybe we'll even tune into the Online User Group - who knows what?! I'm sure it'll be a good time. Can you tell I'm tired?
CouchDB and Knockout to create modern apps - Tuesday, February 19th, 2013 at 17h30
Tonight Cliff Smith will show us how he created a library for MadFox using CouchDd (a NoSQL database), Couch App (an application server), and Knockout.js. We'll dig deep into how a database is setup in CouchDb, how apps are created and "pushed" to the app server, and how Knockout makes event binding in Javascript trivial. We'll also look at Rich's outfitting applications, which re-uses his Visual FoxPro tables and business objects in a modern web application (again, with Knockout).
Using the ASP.Net MembershipProvider w/ your FoxPro User Tables - Tuesday, January 15th, 2013 at 17h30
If you've got legacy Visual FoxPro applications that come with their own username/password tables, and you want to "webify" those apps, come see a way to do that using .Net's built-in "ExtendedMembershipProvider" classes. These classes give you all the functionality you need, but if you don't want to use the built-in ASP.Net user tables, it's up to you to implement the details. Tonight we'll review what this is all about, plus Q&A, socializing, and the usual chaos as we meet for the first tim...
Node.js and VFP? - Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 17h30
Why would we Visual FoxPro developers ever have a need for node.js, the server-side javascript service? We're going to explore the possibilities in this month's MadFox meeting. For the times when IIS / WestWind is more than you need, node.js may be just the ticket. We'll also tune in to the Offline FoxPro User Group to watch Doug Hennig talk about what's new in StoneField Query.
Fox on the Run: SW Fox Preview #2 - Monday, October 15th, 2012 at 17h30
Tonight we'll do the final preview of the Southwest Fox session "Fox on the Run II: Mobile Web Applications." Last year we demoed making your Visual FoxPro data available on your mobile device, and that worked great as long as your device is online. But what are the issues once you're out of cellphone range? This time around we'll look at the issues surrounding creating apps that aren't always online, including Local Storage, Synchronization, and Application Caching. Join us for a fun night o...
Offline Web Apps - Tuesday, September 18th, 2012 at 17h30
Last year we demoed making your Visual FoxPro data available on your mobile device, and that worked great as long as your device is online. But what are the issues once you're out of cellphone range? This time around we'll look at the issues surrounding creating apps that aren't always online, including Local Storage, Synchronization, and Application Caching. Join us for a fun night of learning, and bring your Q&A as always. MadFox Geeks and Gurus Madison Division 1308 Spring St., Lo...
FoxInCloud w/ Tuvia Vinitsky - Tuesday, August 21st, 2012 at 17h30
VFP lives in HTML and your desktop at the same time. Tuvia Vinitsky will appear live in Madison for an encore presentation of his SouthwestFox Presentation of FoxInCloud. See how you can take advantage of your existing infrastructure and this tool to migrate your applications. Jim Nelson will also be giving a short demonstration of some of his latest enhancements to Thor utilizing IntellisenseX. Ever want to have your tables Intellisensitized? Come see how. Tuesday, August 21st, 2012 5:30...
July 2012 in Reedsburg - Tuesday, July 24th, 2012 at 17h30
MadFox will hold its July meeting at Computer Connections on Hwy 33 in Reedsburg WI. This month we'll be talking about a lot of things, including the upcoming Southwest Fox conference, "That" Conference in the Dells, Raspberry Pi boards, jQuery UI, node.js, and more! Afterwards we'll retreat to a local eatery for more conversation. Everyone is welcome. 5:30pm July 24, 2012 Computer Connections, Inc. Hwy 33, Reedsburg, WI
MadFox: GeneXus Mobile Application Generator - Wednesday, June 20th, 2012 at 18h00
On June 20th, Roy Hart is coming from the GeneXus office in Chicago to do a live demo of GeneXus. GeneXus is an Application Generator that has been used by the Fox community since the release of its Fox Pro Generator in 1988. Their VFP Forum currently has over 1,000 members. The 13th Major Version of GeneXus was released March 15, 2012 (still supporting VFP) and now supports mobile development for iOS (iPhone / iPad), Android & Blackberry devices. World-wide, there have been 70,000 licenses sol...
April 2012: Intro to Node.js - Tuesday, April 17th, 2012 at 17h30
April's meeting will feature longtime member Jack Smith speaking about his experience getting going with node.js. We look forward to hearing about this new alternative in server side scripting and how he uses it. We'll have our usual Q&A as well, and social time afterwards.
SSMS for Fox Developers - Tuesday, March 20th, 2012 at 17h30
Fox developers are spending more and more time in SQL Server Management Studio to handle their back-end database work. But how well do we really know this seemingly simple tool? There's a lot more than just entering queries and editing stored procedures, and we'll take a look at them in March's meeting. We'll have our usual Q&A session, and all members are welcome to show any cool stuff they're working on. Thanks to PluralSight for another month of sponsorship! 5:30 pm, 3/20/2012 Geeks...
Dojo and Fat Tuesday - Tuesday, February 21st, 2012 at 20h00
Tonight's MadFox meeting continues our look at alternatives for front-end development, with Cliff Smith giving an overview of Dojo. Dojo is a javascript framework for web applications that can tie nicely into your back-end Visual FoxPro applications to give your old application new life. After the meeting we'll retire to a local tavern for a hurricane and some jambalaya. MadFox Where: Geeks and Gurus Madison Outpost 1308 Spring St., Lower Office Madison WI
We Don't Need No Source Control - Tuesday, January 17th, 2012 at 20h00
...which of course means you DO need Source Control. And a good choice for FoxPro developers is the VFPX tool called "SubFox". We'll walk through setting up an existing project on SubFox from start to finish, and the workflow for multiple developers to use it to their best advantage.
Southwest Fox Conference Recap - Tuesday, November 15th, 2011 at 17h30
Tonight's meeting will be a brain dump from the members who made it down to the most awesome Southwest Fox conference, to the less fortunate. We'll share the tips and tricks we learned and discuss the future of FoxPro conferences. Afterwards we'll set up an agenda for topics to cover in 2012 based on members' interests. Bring your Q&A! There will be door prizes, such as a free month of online training from PluralSight (awesome). 5:30p - 8:00p Tuesday, November 15th, 2011 G...
October DoubleHeader: Lightswitch for VFP Devs / JS Framework shootout - Tuesday, October 18th, 2011 at 17h30
October's MadFox Meeting will have 2 parts: We'll start at Geeks and Gurus Madison HQ, where Eric Selje will be rehearsing his Southwest Fox session, "Flip the Switch: LightSwitch for VFP Developers." Lightswitch is Microsoft's latest development tool and it is aimed squarely at the same market who may have considered Visual FoxPro in the past. Lightswitch creates beautiful Silverlight applications which can run on Windows or the Web (and theoretically Linux too). "JavaScript Framework...
Fox on the Run: SW Fox Preview #2 - Tuesday, September 20th, 2011 at 17h03
Fox on the Run: Developing Native Mobile Apps w/ a FoxPro Back-End Tonight Eric Selje will give MadFox another rehearsal of his "Fox on the Run"SW Fox Session. It's not possible to write Visual FoxPro applications for your mobile devices, but that doesn't mean you can't write applications for your mobile devices that use Visual FoxPro. By creating FoxPro-driven web services, you can create web applications that tap your business logic and data easily. But the big WOW is that you can compil...
August 2011: Behold the Power of Thor! - Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011 at 17h30
MadFox August 2011 Meeting Where: Geeks & Gurus, Madison Division1308 Spring St. Madison WI 53715 When: 5:30p-8p, August 23rd, 2011 Everyone Welcome! This month we're honored to have Jim Nelson preview his Southwest Fox session about his great development tool, Thor. This tool updates the Visual FoxPro IDE, giving it capabilities you didn't think possible. And the best part is that it's easily extendible as well, so if there's something you want VFP to do you can make it so.
June 2001: Modern Web Apps - Tuesday, June 21st, 2011 at 17h30
This month we have an(other) exciting meeting planned. We'll start at Salty Dog Solutions' World HQ for a general Q&A session from 5:30.-6:30, and Eric Selje will demo his Schema tool for Thor. Then we'll move over to the Essen Haus for food, beer, and a joint meeting with the MadMongers PERL user group. They will have a presentation by Dale Sande. Here is the abstract: HTML and CSS the last thing that you have to deal with in developing your apps? Do you have a hard time communicating wi...
Cool Controls & Ruby Double Feature - Tuesday, April 12th, 2011 at 17h30
Remote from Saskatchewan "Cool Controls" Doug Hennig will examine some controls you can add to your applications to provide a cleaner or fresher user interface. Controls discussed include a splitter, a combobox that drops down to a TreeView control, object-oriented Microsoft Office-like menus, a 100% VFP code date picker control, a control for displaying "balloon tips", and a modern-looking progress bar control. [If this sounds a lot like what ChicagFudg is doing, you're right. Thanks t...
MadFox: e-Payments - Tuesday, May 19th, 2009 at 05h30
Yes, it's the 3rd Tuesday and that means MadFox! The meeting is at Salty Dog Solutions' HQ in beautiful downtown Madison, WI. The students are gone and we are in summer mode! Tonight's meeting will begin with our usual Q&A and member demonstrations. Stein Goering will present "e-Payments through common payment gateways using VFP/WestWind." If there's time after that I'll demonstrate the wonderful "QuickPDF Library" for manipulating PDF Documents via ActiveX. Lastly, we'll take a look ...
Southwest Fox 2008 Review - Tuesday, October 21st, 2008 at 17h30
At this month's meeting we'll start with our usual Q&A where we solve your problems that you bring in. After that everyone who just got back from Southwest Fox will brain-dump as much information as they can remember to the unfortunate few who could not make it. We have a ton of door prizes available, courtesy of Geek Gatherings, the folks (Doug, Rick, and Tamar) who put on Southwest Fox. It really was a great conference, and if you missed it you'll want to be here. SPECIAL THIS MONTH: First ...
December 2006 Meeting: Subversion - Tuesday, December 19th, 2006 at 17h30
Hello all, Tonight is the MadFox SIG! Come early and do some Christmas shopping on State St., then warm up with a hot cup of steaming FoxPro camaraderie. Afterwards we'll go get a big glass of eggnog and a burger. It seems there's enough curiosity about an alternative to Visual SourceSafe to explore that. I've been using Subversion a little and will speak about my experience there, and invite everyone else to share theirs. Also bring in any Q&A as well as your favorite tip/software of ...
Ray Kurian presentation - Thursday, June 12th, 2003 at 18h30
Ray Kurian will do a presentation at Lenexa.8835 Long St, Lenexa, KS
MadFox ends its 8th year with a party - Tuesday, December 17th, 2002 at 17h30
MadFox (the Madison (WI) FoxPro Users Group) will ends its 8th year with a party. Begun in Jan 1995 in response to the release of Visual FoxPro 3, MadFox has attempted to be a lively community of FoxPro developers in our area.To celebrate, we'll have free pizza, soda, and an after-meeting beer or two. Everybody's welcome to come. We'll also do our normal agenda. Write to for direction or more information.

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