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Congratulations Liberty : Expanded Background Checks Go
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>>>>>>Message : I don't care about you or your irrational fear, however, I care very deeply when a group of people who share your irrational fear attempt to restrict my liberty and my life.
>>>>>900,000 people shot to death in the USA since 1980. The fear is not irrational - your thinking is.
>>>>Where do you get these figures. That's pure BS.... Are you trying to tell me that as many people are killed by guns as by autos? No way...
>>>>There's an average of 43,900 people killed every year in auto accidents, which are far more pravalent that shooting deaths, and that number extrapolates to 1,0009,700 deaths, since 1980.
>>>>The latest year for which detailed statistics are available - 2012 - there were 12,664 murders in the US. Of those, 8,583 were caused by firearms. That's 1/5 of the deaths by auto, and 66% of gun deaths are suicide. Do the math. Your figures are no where near accurate. So even giving you the benefit of doubt, if we take 20,000 as the figure over the last 30 years, that's 360,000, 1/3 of the number you quoted. Quit being a knee-jerk liberal and do some research..
>>>OOOOk - here ya go. Do this math:
>>>Typically, there are approximately 30,000 US deaths due to firearms in the US each year.
>>>In 2007 according to the Centers for Disease Control Faststats and the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control WIQARS Leading Causes of Nonfatal Injury Reports:
>>>48,676 people were intentionally shot who survived. (NCIPC)
>>>18,610 people were unintentionally shot who survived. (NCIPC)
>>>17,352 suicides (intentionally shot themselves who died) (CDC)
>>>12,632 criminal firearm deaths (killed in a crime by guns) (CDC)
>>>This does not include deaths of people intentionally or unintentionally shot for legal reasons (Like the police shooting a suspect).
>>>The above total is 97270 people shot in the US in 2007. About a third (29984) died, and it is likely that the total number of Americans shot is at least 100,000 given that all types of gunshot injuries/deaths are not included.
>>>In the US, every day during 2007, about 266 Americans were shot. Every day, a third of them (82 daily) died.
>>Here are some numbers for Canada:
>>A little dated, but I believe our numbers have gone down since.
>>Nationwide it shows about 200 firearm related homicides per year. If the US has 10x the population of Canada that would pro-rate to 2,000. Your figures are 12,632 so the US rate is about 6x that of Canada.
>>Suicide rates are much more similar - ~1,000 per year, pro-rated would be ~10,000 compared to your 17,352 so "only" a factor of 1.7 there.
>Japan had 11 firearm homicides in 2008 - fewer than were killed at the Aurora shooting alone....and that was a big year: 2006 saw an astounding two, and when that number jumped to 22 in 2007, it became a national scandal. By comparison, also in 2008, 587 Americans were killed just by guns that had discharged accidentally.
>Anyone who seems to think gun control will not work should take a look at how it's worked out in Australia.

Of course whether it "worked" is a matter of definition.

>One thing that really gets me going is when people say having laws for databases and backgrounds won't work because the criminals won't abide by the laws. This is STUPID STUPID STUPID thing to say. That violent felon, who just got his gun off the internet or a gun show, doesn't give a damn about the law when he uses that gun to rob you. But guess what - there IS STILL A LAW AGAINST IT.
>And I also notice that the same people who claim their liberty might be infringed sure as hell didn't have a problem with Bush's wide sweeping wack to our civil liberties. Oh yeah - slam our freedoms as a result of 3,400 terrorists related deaths since 1970 - ok the foreign drone strikes of US citizens abroad without any oversight whatsoever, and who needs a warrant for anything anyway? - but ooh have 900,000 guns deaths since 1980 and I guess that's not good enough reason to have a damn background check and gun database? Just goes to show you how badly twisted these NRA bought folks can be and the poor logic and reasoning of some people.
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