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(Continued) Re: The Programming Mess
07/05/2013 08:47:51
05/05/2013 12:15:33
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It occurred to me today in re-reading this post that the relationship to the original article I replied to may not have been clear. I therefore add this supplement (since the original post has already been replied to, and cannot be altered...).

Basically it is this:
For all of our software programming efforts, our goals should be in helping people, not serving money interests or other interests. People are what matter. If all of us sought to help people first, with our focus being on using the talents God has given us to be of benefit to those people around us, then everything would naturally fall into place because God really is in control, and when we submit our lives to Him then He comes in and guides and moves and directs and causes all to flourish, for He is life.

My point related to the programming mess is that people go off and pursue personal goals, personal ends, self-seeking motives. They are not focusing on the Godly task and mission we all have to be the component in this world God created us to be, for the sake of God, for the sake of others, and therefore (and finally) being of benefit to ourself.

We must do what we were called to do to benefit others first. And in so doing, as other people do this also, all needs are not only met, but greatly exceeded. And this is true in software, in automotive manufacturing, in the creation of plastic trash receptacles ... in everything. God has assembled a masterpiece, and it is only men's sin which causes that masterpiece to be unrealized. Men go their own way, rather than trusting in God and going His way, for Him, for others, and ultimately then for themselves.

Jesus came here as a servant. He has called us to be servants. He said exactly these words, "He who wants to be first [in the Kingdom of Heaven], must be last [here on Earth], and the servant of all." He also said those whom He receives in Heaven will hear these words, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

We, as people on this Earth, those created in the very image of God, in His likeness, have a plan, a purpose. None of us are here by accident, and each of us has been given special abilities and talents to fit into the single-woven "cloth" that is mankind. As our bodies are made up of many members, and each being no more important than another to be a complete body, yet each with distinct and particular roles, so are we made to be a "body of Christ" upon this Earth.

If you hear His call upon your life, do not harden your heart. Embrace that call because it is God Himself reaching out to you to draw you into His Kingdom, into His service, to be His Priest and Ambassador here upon this Earth. There is no greater call. No greater calling. No greater Caller.

God is creating us in eternity. Our eyes need to be focused on Him, on eternity, and therefore on eternal things while we are here in this temporal, corporeal existence, for it is but a tick of the clock ... and then ... eternity is realized.

I pray this clarifies the post a little more. It was my intention when I wrote it, but much of what I wrote above I think was in my thoughts rather than down in written form, unless possibly the context between the original posting and my response was made by the reader.

Best regards,
In love,
And with much hope,
Rick C. Hodgin

>Continued from Message ID: 1572688
>>Today I feel we find ourselves in a programming mess...
>There's a way out. The door is labeled very clearly. We need only walk through it, never looking back and ... problem solved.
>What is the door?
>It's God's forever model:
>"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness, and all these things [a person's needs] will be added unto you."
>We have a place in this world. Every one of us was created, hand-made, placed purposely, for a reason. Our lives are not our own, and we are to follow after our Lord, seeking to benefit others before ourself, yet in that way we also always benefit ourself.
>We need to meet others at the point of their needs, and when we do this everyone grows together.
>We need to seek to better others first, and then it is a fully natural side-effect that we also increase as a result.
>And it is always God who provides the increase when we seek Him first in our lives. He does this because of His nature: He is literal life.
>Bottom line:
>If everybody sought to help everybody else first, then none of us would have any needs whatsoever. This is world-wide. All of us, everywhere, would be filled and satisfied. The one true God has given us a world, even one which He cursed to grow thorns and thistles (the result of man's sin), which yields more than enough for everybody when we all come together and help each other out. Imagine what Heaven is like, with trees yielding their harvest every 30 days, and leaves healing the nations.
>God is an abundant God.
>Jesus is life.
>There are no barriers with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. No barriers.
>It is only sin, men wielding a closed, self-seeking, proprietary, money-based, empire-building mindset that keeps us all pinned down. This mindset is introduced, fostered, and encouraged by the enemy of God, the enemy of every one of us, the enemy of this world, and is taking the world over because of sin. People do not want to do what's right, they do not want to seek the truth because of sin. As a result, they are lazy, and unwilling to stand up for what's right, investing the time and effort necessary to do it correctly, in the manner they know deep down using that which they have been endowed with by God( special gifts and abilities unique to their surroundings). Rather than giving in love, in sin they seek their own personal gain, and to the detriment and destruction of all.
>The ways of doing it right seem hard, but that is only because we have a powerful enemy working against us, and we, in sin, follow after his draws and pulls rather than seeking after the Truth, seeking after God. Were we to seek after God, the enemy would have no influence over us whatsoever. We would stand up for God with our lives, and then it would not be us fighting against the enemy, but God living in us fighting Him. This is the nature of the "spiritual battle" which is taking place. This invisible mindset dominating men's thoughts, feelings, activities, because of the influence of sin and an enemy that preys upon our weak flesh. We must turn to God, who is Spirit, and seek Him in our lives, in our hearts, and run in it with the fullness of our being.
>God is true.
>God is right.
>God is always loving.
>And God's model works. It was the original, perfect model, the one man turned his back on.
>Still, even today, nothing was created by accident.
>God has a plan for each and every one of us.
>Every component was laid out for a purpose (if we'll listen to Him and obey His call in our life).
>And Jesus is life. The restorer. The bridge between sinful man, and perfect eternal God.
>Without Jesus ... we only wallow in sin.
>With Jesus, we are made free by His very nature.
>By seeking God first, and giving of ourselves unto others, all needs are met because it is God at work, not us. It's what Jesus did at the cross ... gave of Himself for our needs. And what did we receive as a result of His giving? An eternity restored to be with God forever, as He is, in Heaven.
>God's model works.
>It is the only model that works.
>It is the solution for every issue we have in this world.
>Because the entirety of the world was made by God, including each and every one of us.
>"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."

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